We do not live on this planet alone. Everything exists in relationship to everything else. As humans, we live in relationship to other humans, of course, but also we are in relationship with other components of our existence: the earth and how we use it, plants, animals, our possessions, our desires, money, our energy, our bodies, our minds, our jobs, our hobbies, time, — and to life itself.
Relationships serve as our mirror. How we show up in life is mirrored back to us in how life shows up for us. Or doesn’t.
Everything in life can boil down to one essential question:
What is your relationship to it?
This question, which generally lurks under the surface, rises to our consciousness today as Venus, the planet of relationships, forms a conjunction with Uranus, the planet of revolution and change, in the sign of Taurus.
Any Venus transit will bring our relationships up for examination. When it conjuncts Uranus, it invites us to consider a deeper inquiry:
How might I revolutionize my relationships?
To understand the impact and meaning of any transit or aspect, and to know where to focus this inquiry, we must look at the energies of each planet and how and where they are coming together.
Taurus Venus, Uranus and Taurus Significations
This Venus/Uranus conjunction is taking place in the sign of Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac.
About Taurus
Taurus is a fixed earth sign, anchoring the season of spring, when the earth is most fertile for planting. This sign relates to earth, agriculture, and the resources we draw from earth, as well as currency — including money.
Taurus is also associated with sensual pleasure, luxury, home life, and comfort. As a fixed earth sign, Taurus is known for groundedness. It is a sign of stability, security, sustainability — and stubbornness.
Its symbol is the bull, which will dig in its heels if it doesn’t want to move.
Taurus values stability and comfort above all else. This energy can create resistance to change. It can cause to to cling to what feels comfortable and familiar — even if we know that change will serve us.
On the other hand, Taurus is also a sign of practicality. It is known for being grounded and realistic. If you want to grow fruit-bearing trees that will sustain you, you have to take action: plant the seeds and tend to the earth.
Taurus is ruled by Venus.
About Venus in Taurus
Venus is one of the personal planets. It is the planet of love, relationships, beauty, art, creativity, pleasure, and money. It represents what we value, including our self-worth. Venus seeks harmony, balance, and pleasure.
Venus rules — is at home in — both Taurus and Libra. In these signs it has full use of its resources.
In Libra, its focus is primarily on fairness, equality, balance, and relationships with other people.
In Taurus, Venus pulls focus on finances, security through material gain, sustainability, comfort, pleasure, our value, and our self-worth.
Uranus in Taurus
Uranus is the wild card of the solar system: it is the planet of innovation, revolution, experimentation, sudden change, and visionary progress. Uranus disrupts the status quo, but for the sake of making things better. Uranus spends about 8 years in a sign, and its changes are more universal than personal.
Astrologer Kelly Surtees explains that
Uranus acts to quicken, activate, or stimulate events and experiences, as if the wheel of life moves faster than usual.
Uranus encourages us to break with the status-quo and with tradition, to embrace new ways of doing things. Uranus brings liberation and freedom by helping us break old habits and beliefs, and embrace uncertainty and a new perspective.
In Taurus, Uranus brings an innovative energy and a revolutionary approach to finances and values for society as a whole, as well as to how we are treating and sustaining the earth.
It encourages us to think outside the box, to explore innovative ways of investing, saving, and sustaining ourselves and the planet. It also invites us to find innovative ways of creating stability and comfort.
As you might imagine, having the planet of change, revolution, and innovation in a sign known for its stubborn and steadfast resistance to change can breed discomfort.
Learning how to embrace these changes is part of the inner work we get to do during Uranus’ long transit through Taurus.
Revolutionize Your Relationships to Resources, Pleasure, and Change
So what happens when the planet of relationships, beauty, money, and pleasure joins forces with the planet of innovation, experiments, and revolution in the sign of comfort and stability?
Venus conjunct Uranus can bring surprises in our financial life or our relationships. We might find new ways to create pleasure or bring luxury into our lives. We might experiment with new hobbies or ways to have fun. On an aesthetic level, we might change our appearance.
There is also deeper work available to us here.
Conjunctions represent new beginnings, the seeding of a new cycle. As Venus meets Uranus in the centerpoint of Taurus, it’s a moment of looking forward at the potential of this long shakeup in the planet of stability.
Nothing in life stays the same. The planets are always in motion. The ground, as fixed as it is, is constantly shifting under our feet in the most subtle of ways.
Our relationships to others, to our resources, to our pleasure, to ourselves and our value, are always changing.
This is an opportunity to examine our relationships to our resources — time, money, earth, energy, food supplies. The desire for security and stability can make us overly focus on money, but money isn’t the only source of currency available to us.
We might also examine our relationships to our pleasure, our standards of beauty, our creativity, and our comfort.
And we also might explore our relationship to change and uncertainty.
Journal Prompts
Here are some journal prompts to explore as Venus conjuncts Uranus in Taurus:
- What would it look like for you to revolutionize your relationships with your material resources? What are ways you can innovate in this area?
- How can you take an innovative approach to stability and comfort that is not dependent on material resources?
- How can you revolutionize your relationship with your self-worth and your value? What are sources of self-worth and value that are independent of material possessions?
- What feels innovative to you in your relationship with pleasure, art, beauty, or your creativity?
- What is your relationship to change? How can you embrace more experimentation while still fostering a feeling of stability and grounding?
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