It’s the nature of the logical brain to seek certainty, and most common way we do so is by seeking specifics.
Numbers. Spreadsheets. Detailed plans. Timing.
If we know exactly what to do and when to do it, the thinking goes, we can get it done. If we hit the numbers laid out on our goal tracking, that means we’re making progress.
After all, we’ve hit our mark. We’ve checked the boxes.
That’s all it takes, right?
If you’ve ever hit your numbers or followed your plan only to find yourself not quite where you wanted to be, you already know that this isn’t how it works.
When I work with real estate clients, we start out by getting clear on exactly what they want in a new home. More often, when I bring a client to see a home that checks every box, they realize that something is missing.
You can workout every day, hit your numbers and your benchmarks, set new personal records, and still not feel like you’ve achieved your fitness or strength goals.
Earlier this year, I participated in a two-month nutrition challenge, diligently tracking my calories and macros, logging every morsel of food, and submitting to weekly weigh-ins. The numbers on the scale didn’t move much, and I felt like I was constantly starving myself.
Pick any project, business or personal, and you’ll realize that while numbers give you specifics to aim for and the illusion of certainty, they rarely lead to actual results that produce meaning.
Why do you want to weigh X amount? Why do you want to make X in income per month over Y? What’s behind that number you want to sell your home for?
The specificity of the numbers is often arbitrary.
Spreadsheets, detailed plans, and specific metrics only take you so far.
To attain meaningful results, we need to also tap into the invisible: intuition, magic, the unseen realm.
Countless times I have walked into a home with a client, and watched their whole energy shift. Even though the home didn’t check all the boxes, they knew this was the one.
When I stopped counting my macros and listened to my body the number on the scale moved more, and I had more energy.
I often get my best results when I abandon my specific criteria and plans and go with my gut, responding to life in the moment, listening to my intuition.
Of course, if we are only listening to intuition we may find that doesn’t work either.
We need to find the balance of both logic and intuition; to bring them together as allies instead of thinking they are antagonists.
Mercury in Virgo Opposing Neptune in Pisces
This is our invitation as Mercury in Virgo forms an opposition to Neptune today.
Mercury loves facts and figures, especially in Virgo. In addition to being the messenger, Mercury is the planner, the accountant, the detail-oriented planet of our solar system. In earth-sign Virgo, it’s all logic, spreadsheets, step-by-step plans. It loves the specifics.
Neptune is the planet of dreams and illusions — especially in the ocean of Pisces.
I know my patterns, and when my world swirls around me, when things feel uncertain, I default to craving these specifics. I want to know exactly what, when, where, and how much.
This rarely works.
But when I use my specific plans with my intuition, when I tap into the magic of the unseen realm from a foundation of a good plan, that’s when things open up.
Appreciate the poetry, intuition, and self-discovery that emerges when you get cozy with uncertainty
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