There’s an old saying:
Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.
It’s wrong. Doing and teaching are different skills.
These days, anyone with knowledge about anything can record some videos, package them up, and share them as an online course.
People figure out how to do something and they turn it into a course.
It’s big business on the internet, making many people a lot of money.
The problem is that most of these people are not teachers, and their courses do not actually teach anything.
This is not to say that they don’t add value in other ways; many do. But that value is informational. It’s not because it’s teaching something.
A course creator is not a teacher.
To teach effectively requires that you teach more than what you do.
The art of teaching is to also teach **when,why, and how.
To be a teacher is to meet people where they are and show them how to get where why want to to go.
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