From every corner, we receive a near-constant barrage of information and subtly reminding us that we are not enough.
Your social media feed presents images of people who are doing more, have more, create more, receive more.
In your friend circles, there are likely others who are outpacing you in some capacity.
Errands beckon. Deadlines loom. The need to feel productive, to accommodate more clients, to create more content — it all looms large.
No matter how fast we go, how efficient we try to be, how many new apps and tools we use, we will not be able to keep up.
There’s not enough time. Not enough space. We are not moving fast enough. We are not doing enough. We are not resting enough. We are not sleeping enough.
We are not enough.
This is the undercurrent of anxiety that runs beneath the surface of most people I speak with.
And it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more you think you’re not enough, the more you strive to do more. The more you strive, the more you feel the time crunch and the sense of being not enough.
It’s a con.
You don’t have to buy into it.
You can choose to allow your wholeness, even just for one day.
How much energy would it free up if you started from the premise that you were already whole? That others in your life were already whole? That everything was as it should be?
Even if you don’t feel fully complete and whole as you are now, can you allow yourself to feel complete enough for this moment?
Ironically, it’s only when we stop striving to fix ourselves that true healing can begin.
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