When it comes to your creative expression, what keeps you stuck?
Since 2017, I’ve written and published over 2,000 essays on my daily blog. They don’t all come with ease. In fact, many have been difficult to write and I often feel like I miss the mark on what I’m trying to say.
At the same time that I’ve been highly prolific in writing for and publishing to my blog, my output on social media has been inconsistent at best, and often non-existent.
I had a consistent newsletter for a while but I haven’t sent one since the end of 2021.
The Crucial Factor in Creative Expression
One of the core issues up for review during Venus’ retrograde in Leo is what keeps us stuck in our creative expression.
When I look at what factors lead to ease in my writing and creative output and what factors create more obstacles, a crucial factor is alignment.
In the physical body, alignment is crucial for movement and breath. It’s hard to move effectively when our bodies are bent out of shape.
When it comes to “productivity,” when our actions aren’t aligned with our values, vision, and goals, we don’t make progress and we don’t feel good about ourselves. This is why clearly identifying our values and vision is so crucial to being more effective.
And in our creative expression, when the heart wants to write, say, or do one thing, but the mind keeps second-guessing and doubting it, we get pulled in different directions. This creates the feeling of being stuck, or blocked.
How Mercury Conjunct Venus in Leo Can Help You Get Unstuck
Today we get some help in creating alignment as Mercury forms a conjunction with Venus at 28°11’ Leo, at 11:16 am ET.
Leo is a sign about creative self expression. This is the home of the Sun, the place where we are invited to shine at our brightest.
Mercury is the messenger and the communicator. It represents the mind. Mercury in Leo is bold and confident.
Venus is, among other things, the planet of creativity. It is the planet of love and relationships, and it speaks to what’s in our heart.
Venus in Leo is dramatic and performative, imbued with creative expression.
When planets form a conjunction, they meet at the exact same degree in the sky. A conjunction represents the strongest blending of the energies, and a complete alignment.
Leo corresponds to the heart. It’s a sign of confidence, courage, and trust. This conjunction in Leo both reflects to us and invites us to trust the ways in which our mind and heart are already fully aligned.
When we trust that our heart and mind are “on the same page,” we feel more confident and optimistic in fully expressing ourselves.
It’s easier to speak up boldly and share our creative expression with the world.
When that part of your mind that wants to second guess or doubt pulls at you, invite it to take a back seat and trust the alignment that is already there.
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