Unpredictable storms — both literal and metaphorical — are so common they are almost routine. Wars are raging. Markets are jittery. People are on edge.
You don’t need to look at the planets to know that we are living through intense, volatile, times.
The planets merely mirror what is happening on Earth. In looking at them, we can see a reflection of our experience. And also, perhaps, a roadmap for a path through.
Mars in Scorpio Opposing Uranus in Taurus
As Mars in Scorpio forms an opposition to Uranus in Taurus, it reflects our experience of the highest levels of volatility.
Mars is the planet of war and aggression. Uranus is the planet of unexpected surprises.
When these two planets form a hard aspect, such as an opposition, it can reflect an explosive and unpredictable moment, such as an escalation of war.
This is especially the case when the two planets go head to head in fixed signs, such as Scorpio and Taurus. Neither wants to budge.
Uranus’ long transit through Taurus is one of destabilization. In the fixed earth sign of Taurus, it feels like an uprooting.
It’s disruptive, to say the least.
Mars, in its home sign of Scorpio, wants what it wants. It does not take well to being deterred from its path.
But this is life:
What happens when you’re steadfast in your pursuit of what you desire and you bump up against potholes and earthquakes on your path?
Mediate the Polarity to Find Common Ground
One way forward is to remember that in every opposition, there is common ground, and that common ground offers us a way to mediate the polarity.
Uranus brings unexpected surprises and uprooting not merely to disrupt, but with the intention to liberate us. Uranus desires freedom and independence. So, too, does Mars.
Mars in opposition to Uranus can be combative and volatile, but sometimes we need a bit of that volatility to spark us into an awakening, to force us to question the road we’re on, and to help us forge a new path.
The Benefits of Volatility
The Taurus/Scorpio axis speaks to what we value and our deepest feelings that we often ignore.
If we channel this volatile energy constructively, it can lead to breakthroughs — also the purview of Uranus. There’s nothing like a little turmoil to call your values into question: it’s often in the moments of greatest uncertainty and volatility that our true values become most clear.
Sometimes we end up on a particular path by default.
When the road forward is blocked or blown up, it causes us to pause for a moment to reconsider if we really want to continue down the path we are on.
It takes a lot of courage — an attribute of Mars — to stop and question our default tendencies, and to choose a new path that may be more aligned with our true values.
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