Each month, as the sun and moon align on opposite sides of the sky, the full moon illuminates a core polarity of life.
Today’s full moon in Taurus pulls focus to the Taurus/Scorpio axis.
Taurus and Scorpio
Taurus is a sign of nurturing, relationships, connections. It seeks pleasure and sweetness.
Scorpio is a sign of stinging and severing.
Taurus is ruled by Venus, the “Lover”: the planet of beauty, love, harmony, and peace. Scorpio is ruled by Mars, the “Warrior”: the planet of cutting, severing, and war.
In Taurus, we are in the heart of spring, when flowers and fruits start to come alive. It’s the sign of the maiden, of fertility, fecundity, and material abundance. When the sun is in Taurus, the days are getting longer and warmer. We are drawn outside to play and frolick.
When the sun is in Scorpio, the days are getting shorter and colder. Nights are longer, bringing more darkness. This is the sign of what is fading away, what is dying. It’s the season of Halloween and Samhain, where we connect with the dead. We are drawn inward, to grieve and process the deep emotions that we’ve buried or pushed aside in our times of play.
As the sun in Scorpio lines up opposite the Moon in Taurus, it illuminates this polarity.
But the full moon also reminds us that there is common ground here.
Taurus and Scorpio are both fixed signs. They anchor their respective seasons. For all their differences, both want the same thing: security and safety.
They simply have different ways of achieving that goal.
Nothing is Binary
One of the fundamental laws of nature is that nothing is binary.
Everything contains its opposite.
The light contains darkness and the darkness contains light.
There is movement in stillness and stillness in movement.
Grief contains joy and within joy there is grief.
Love contains fear and fear contains love.
Freedom is found within structure, and structure is found within freedom.
Wtihin the depths of confusion we find clarity, and within clarity exists seeds of confusion.
The masculine contains the feminine, and the feminine contains the masculine.
The fruit contains the seed, and within the seed is the fruit.
The yin contains the yang, and the yang contains the yin.
If this is an incontrovertible truth, a law of nature and the universe, that everything contains its apparent opposite, then it follows that war contains peace and within peace is war.
With the sun and moon in opposite signs of the zodiacal wheel, we are reminded that all polarity is an illusion. Even apparent opposites share something in common.
How to Mediate the Polarity
Full moons invite us to mediate the polarity, to find the bridge between the apparent opposites.
They call us to look at what has been in shadow.
This is especially the case with a lunar eclipse, as this full moon brings us.
Eclipses are shadowy times; they bring up whatever don’t want to look at.
In the darkness of the eclipse we might rediscover our humanity and realize that we are the bridge that mediates polarity.
When we connect with our humanity we can focus on the commonality rather than the differences. We can see that all sides want the same thing.
It’s that commonality that creates the bridge, that reminds us to bring ourselves back into wholeness.
Through that humanity we find healing, and hope.
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