New Year, Old You
Remember when
you stepped forward
knowing you would fall,
but the thrill of just taking a step
was so great
as to override any fear of falling?
Remember when
you ran without hesitation
because the thrill of going fast
was too great to pass up?
Remember when
you danced
for the joy of dancing
and not to burn calories?
Remember when
you made up stories
and invented games,
not for profit, but for fun?
Remember when
you tested things
just to see
what would happen?
Remember when
you lived in curiosity
and sought wonder
and found delight in small moments?
Remember when
you didn’t need to
prove yourself
or get good grades
or get into a good school
so you could have a stable future?
Remember when
you let yourself be free
because you didn’t worry
how your being you
would impact your
brand or your business?
Remember when
you played to win,
instead of playing not to lose?
Remember when
you played just to play,
because you loved the game?
Remember when you were bold
and daring and fearless?
Remember the time
before you were taught
what is “appropriate” and
what was “reasonable” and
what is “expected” of you?
Remember the time
before you were told
who you had to be or
what you had to do
to be successful,
to leave a legacy,
to make your life matter?
Remember what your life was like
before all the learning
and the personal development
and all the books and courses
and the efforts to improve
who you are?
Once, there was a YOU.
A You who was perfect as you were.
A You who had time.
A You who didn’t burn out.
A You who was excited to wake up and discover
what what joys awaited you.
A You who didn’t seek to find
what would make you happy
because you just were happy.
A You who found joy
in getting up and
living the day.
A You who
didn’t need to optimize
every minute
because you found meaning
in the moments.
That You is still in there.
Perhaps buried
under the layers
of learning
and conditioning
and expectations
and resentments
and bitterness
at life and stolen time.
Perhaps protected
under layers of
and defenses
that have calcified
over years —
or maybe decades.
This new year,
you don’t need a NEW you.
This new year,
peel back the layers
strip away the armoring
and come home to yourself.
This new year,
the OLD you.
Love it? Hate it? What do you think? Don't hold back...