The sun moved into Gemini on May 21 at 6:09 am Eastern Time, marking the start to Gemini season, which will end when the sun moves into Cancer on June 20.
Here’s a brief guide to the third season of the zodiacal year and 5 ways to work with the energy of this season.
About Gemini Season
Gemini is a mutable sign, which means it is the last sign of a nature-season. It arrives as we begin to transition from spring to summer in the Northern hemisphere.
Mutable signs are associated with adaptability, flexibility, variability, movement, and change.
The Air element is associated with the thinking, ideas, learning, and discovery.
Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the messenger planet that rules communications, speech, learning, language, and travel.
It’s symbol is the Twins, two people who are in constant conversation.
In the body, Gemini is associated with the nervous system and the brain.
Gemini is curious, cerebral, energetic, playful, communicative, imaginative, outgoing, and social.
When the sun transits through Gemini, we get the opportunity to embrace the Gemini traits within us.
5 ways to work with the energy of Gemini season
(1) Embrace Your Duality
One of the most empowering impacts of deepening my study of astrology and learning more about my natal chart has been my ability to embrace the ways different parts of my nature are in conflict with each other.
Embracing this duality is part of the work of Gemini season.
Symbolized by the Twins, Gemini is associated with duality. As MoonOmens.com explains, Gemini season reminds us that
We all have a dual nature, we all have parts and facets that are at odds with each other, we are all ambivalent, we are all paradoxical and multifaceted in some way.
The invitation of Gemini season is to allow our duality to inspire our self-expression by letting all parts of us have a voice. Instead of trying to “fix” our duality, resolve the conflict, or hide it, we can learn to embrace it.
By learning to accept our own duality we can also come to deeper acceptance of the duality we see in others.
(2) Embrace Your Curiosity
During Gemini season, allow your curiosity to lead you. This can include getting curious about new topics or exploring new areas of interest through courses or books, but don’t discount the value of learning from your own life experiences and getting curious about your thoughts and emotions.
Every experience can be a wellspring of lessons, both about life and about how we respond to it. What you learn in this exploration can be the best teacher.
Notice what circumstances or experience ignite a charge within you — and the quality of that charge. As you scroll social media, overhear conversations, or engage in conversations, what triggers your trigger? What triggers your excitement?
When a friend shares good news, notice what wells up inside you. Are you happy for them? Possibly a little envious?
Notice when you feel an urge to brush away emotions. Instead of suppressing them, get curious about them.
(3) Notice the Link Between Your Thoughts and Communication Style
Ruled by Mercury, Gemini is a sign of thinking and communication. Gemini season is an opportunity to pull focus on the often-sub-conscious ways in which our communication style is reflective of our thoughts.
For example, notice how you speak to your colleagues when you feel stressed about something at work or in a rush.
When you’re caught up in thinking about a problem in your work life, or feeling overwhelmed, do you tend to be curt with your family or bark orders at people?
During Gemini season, notice when your communication is delivered in a cadence, tone, and style that reflects the energy of your thoughts rather than the energy you want to bring to the conversation.
(4) Focus on Nervous System Health
Gemini rules the brain and nervous system, and this season invites you to understand your nervous system better.
Being able to identify when your nervous system is regulated and when its dysregulated can help bring awareness to how you communicate in each state.
During Gemini season, notice what conditions trigger your system into dysregulation. Notice when you escape your body to go into the mind, and get curious about what feels uncomfortable. Pay attention to how your body reacts to certain sounds, types of light, foods, or activities.
Cultivate simple practices to bring yourself back into a regulated state, such as deep breathing or a short walk.
(5) Watch for the Red Flags
Gemini season is typically light and playful. But Gemini season in 2023 might present with a different vibe. In the first week of Gemini season, the Sun will come into a square with Saturn in Pisces.
A square to Saturn can feel like a red flag or a stop sign on our plans. It brings an energy of responsibility and seriousness to this playful sign. It might feel restrictive or heavy.
This doesn’t mean that our Gemini experience will be “bad” or even challenging. Saturn teaches us about the importance of boundaries.
Notice where the red flags arise, where you feel blocked from going down one path or exploring a certain area. Instead of resisting the restriction, get curious about it. Perhaps it’s simply a message indicating that you need to take a different route than the one you had planned.
Harness the adaptable and flexible nature of Gemini to switch gears and try a different way.
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