At the Spring Equinox, the sun moved into the part of the sky mapped to the zodiac sign of Aries. This marks the start of Aries season.
Each zodiacal season brings its own flavor and energies that both help us and challenge us.
Here are five things to know about Aries season.
(1) Initiating and Independent Energy
Aries is one of the four cardinal signs in the Zodiac. Each cardinal sign initiates a season.
Aries brings us Spring, the first season of the year. Spring is a time of planting new seeds, setting the stage for potential and possibility.
In addition, Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, ushering in the new Zodiacal year. This gives it an extra initiating energy.
Aries has a “me first” mindset.
This sign is associated with the first house in the astrology system, which is about the self.
(2) Fire Sign
Each sign in the zodiac is associated with an element: fire, earth, air, or water. Aries is a fire sign.
This is fitting for the first sign of the zodiac, as fire is the first necessary resource we need for survival and taking action.
If you want to cook food or boil water, you must start a fire. Fire gives us light, technology, and a means to keep warm.
Fire is also a metaphor for our inner drive and energy. Before we can do anything, we need to light our inner pilot lights.
Aries season supports us in lighting a fire under our butts so we can kick into gear after a winter of rest and start to take action.
In Aries season we are invited to access that part of ourselves that is bold, unflinching, and ready to take charge. Aries is often described as a leader, although this is not always in a traditional way.
(3) Elements and Archetypes
Aries initiates the spring season. In the Traditional Chinese Medicine system (TCM) each season is associated with an physical organ, a sense, an emotional pattern, and an element of nature.
Spring is associated with the liver/gallbladder, vision, anger, and the wood element.
These associations also fit with the energy of Aries and its ruling planet, Mars.
Wood is the seedlings that push through the ground to form what will eventually become a tree. It is persistent, driven, and resilient.
The liver is associated with vision and planning for the future; the gallbladder is about making decisions.
Mars is the Warrior planet, the planet of energy, drive, and action. It loves to be in motion, going after what it wants. Mars is also associated with fearlessness, bravery, courage and decisiveness.
When we get clear on what we want, and when we have a vision for our future, it is easier to take bold, decisive action.
When we don’t get what we want, we get angry. Anger can help guide us to action, but too much anger, or anger not expressed constructively, can become toxic and keeps us stuck.
Astrologer April Kent explains that Aries doesn’t necessarily like to lead, but it definitely doesn’t like to follow. Aries carves its own path. It doesn’t look to what others are doing.
(4) New Moon in Aries
The moon represents our emotions, our physical body, and what is innate within us. When the moon is in Aries, our impulsive, emotional nature may rise to the surface. We might feel fearless and courageous, with energy to break new ground.
A new moon is a conjunction between the sun and the moon. Conjunctions symbolize new beginnings, and invite us to seed new intentions.
During each season of the zodiac we get at least one new moon in the sign.
In 2023, we will have two new moons in Aries, which will bookend the sign at almost the exact same distance from the preceding and following signs. These new moons will carry very different energies.
The first new moon will occur on March 21, 2023 at 1:23 pm ET. It comes on the heels of the sun’s entrance into the sign, and will occur at 0º49’ (O degrees and 49 minutes) into the 30º of the sign. Coming at the very beginning of the sign, this new moon is ripe for setting new intentions. It’s an ideal time to renew, refresh, and reboot, to change our routines and implement new rituals. If you want to work with potent new moon energy, this is the one to work with.
The second new moon in Aries will occur on April 20, 2023 at 12:12 am ET. This one will occur at the very end of Aries, at 29º50’. This new moon will be a total solar eclipse and will mark the start of eclipse season. Eclipses are shadowy events; the lights of the luminaries get blocked, bringing uncertainty to our power source. This one will not be a great one to set intentions with or use for manifesting.
(5) Lessons of Aries Season
The study of astrology is, ultimately, a study of archetypes. We all have Aries energy within us.
Aries season invites us to access that part of ourselves that is bold, fearless, decisive, and courageous. It brings a focus to the self and our individual goals.
In Aries season, we can channel this part of ourselves to be bold and assertive and take imperfect action.
Aries season helps us kick our butt into gear so we can charge forward with new ideas.
We might feel more of a “go-getter” energy and a desire to charge forward with new ideas.
On the other hand, the challenge of Aries energy is that it can cause us to be impulsive and too self-centered. If we rely too much on our fire, we risk burning ourselves out.
The important lesson of Aries season is that first we must develop our vision and get clear on what we truly want. Once we hone our focus, we can take intentional initiative in a way that will help us sustain our fire.
[…] start this week coming together in a conjunction in the sign of Aries, meeting up exactly on Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 2:50 am […]