Seasons flow in predictable rhythms. We start spring with equal day and night, and gradually, the daylight period lengthens.
Nothing in life is static. On June 21 at 10:58 am ET, we leave the whirlwind of Gemini season as the Sun swims into the nurturing waters of Cancer, the sign of care.
This also marks the Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere, the official first day of summer and the longest day of the year.
The Solstice is a peak experience — like a full moon, it is a moment when we reach peak light. From now until the December solstice, the days will gradually get shorter.
Here are 3 ways to work with the energy of the Summer Solstice:
(1) Pause
We are at the halfway point of the year, and with that knowledge often comes the emotions tied to our sense of whether we are making “progress” toward our goals and visions that we laid out at the Winter Solstice in December.
The Summer Solstice is a time to pause and reflect on where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re headed.
As astrologer April Kent writes:
Just as the Sun at the summer solstice appears to stand still in its relentless climb to midday heights, then pauses for a moment before it moves the other way, that is our job at midyear: to stand still for a moment, look around, and take stock of where we are.
(2) Realign With Your Values
As we take stock of where we are, it’s easy to fall into judgement — whether you believe you’re on track or have lost your map to where you wanted to go.
Rather than judging where you are, the Summer Solstice is a perfect time to consider whether the destination you set out for six months ago is still relevant — and whether it’s aligned for you.
Whether you feel like you’re not getting closer to where you want be, or you feel like you’re on track, consider whether your direction, destination, and the path you’ve chosen are aligned with your values and strengths.
In a season associated with activity and momentum, it can feel counter-intuitive to pause and reassess. It can sometimes feel like moving backward.
But trying to force something that isn’t aligned won’t get you to your stated outcome faster, if at all. And if you do get there, if what awaits you at your destination isn’t aligned with how you want to live, what will you have gained?
Sometimes the best way to move forward toward your goals is to pause and realign, rather than trying to force something.
When we create from a place of true desire and intention, in alignment with our personal purpose, values and strengths, we access greater energy and momentum.
(3) Appreciate the Cycles of Time
Assuming that your desired destination is aligned with your values and strengths, consider that growth takes time.
In contrast to Spring’s flowers that bloom bright before fading in the summer heat, Summer is the season for nurturing the growth of what will sustain us: fruit-bearing trees and crops that we can harvest in the fall.
Seeds do not sprout into trees overnight, or even in a season. They require persistent cultivation and nurturing over long cycles before they bear fruit.
Summer is also the season of fire, and fire works the same way. If we want to maintain a fire we must start it slow and tend to it with care and consistency. A fire that ignites too quickly can get out of control and burn out just as fast.
Cancer: The Season of Care
As we enter Cancer season, we move from the “everything everywhere all at once” nature of Gemini season to the nurturing, nourishing waters of the womb that Cancer season represents.
Cancer season teaches us that anything worth bringing into the world takes time to grow. It requires persistent and consistent nourishment, and an abundance of care — both for ourselves and what we are cultivating.
Taking time to pause and rest is essential to building sustainably without burning out.
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