When you’re navigating a long journey, it’s always helpful to pay attention to the signs, especially the stop signs.
In the solar system, all planets revolve around the sun. Astrology looks at this motion from the perspective of earth — from which it appears that all planets, including the sun and moon, revolve around Earth.
We are the center of the universe.
As planets make their way around the sky, they come into different relationships with other planets.
Squares: Relationships of Friction
Squares — in which the planets form a 90-degree angle — are relationships of tension. They bring friction and stress to a situation. Squares present as roadblocks and possible detours on our life’s path.
This is especially the case with squares involving Saturn, because Saturn is the planet of restriction and boundaries. The square is Saturn’s signature move. That’s it’s game.
Squares involving the Sun can also feel particularly restrictive, because the Sun represents our ego self. The Sun is our light in the world and how we shine. Everything we do serves our Sun. It’s our guiding mission, our guiding light.
Sun Square Saturn: Restricting the Ego’s Desires
And so a square between Saturn and the Sun can hit especially hard. When your ego gets shut down, it can feel heavy and restrictive.
Maybe you finally felt like you were getting some forward momentum when suddenly you’re forced to slam on the brakes.
How do you react when things don’t go according to your plan, or when you don’t get your way?
Finding Strength Through the Struggle
It might feel “bad” or “unfair.” But it’s important to remember that everything is here to serve us.
The gift of squares is that they force us to grow and evolve.
The challenges we face on our journey ultimately make us stronger. The resilience we build through how we handle obstacles is a skill we earn for life. It makes the subsequent challenges easier.
If everything came easily, we’d never appreciate what we earned through our efforts.
Sometimes friction can help us: think of a match striking the flint. The friction sparks the fire.
Squares can also force us to slow down to get clarity about what we really desire: what’s worth the struggle, and what isn’t worth it?
Sun in Gemini Square Saturn in Pisces
Today, the Sun in Gemini comes into a square with Saturn in Pisces. It might feel like a bit of a buzz-kill to the weekend (which, in the United States, is a holiday weekend).
Gemini is a social sign, and Gemini season usually has a lightness to it. It’s the cultural start of summer in the northern hemisphere, a time for gathering with friends and kicking back.
The Sun in Gemini is typically energizing and lighthearted, but Saturn is the planet that teaches us about responsibility. Saturn often brings a heaviness, and in Pisces it can feel like swimming with a weighted vest.
3 Steps to Navigate the Friction of Sun Square Saturn
But we don’t have to drown or suffocate under Saturn’s heaviness.
Whereas in a fixed sign we might try to run through the road block, we can adopt a strategy informed by the mutable quality of Pisces and Gemini.
Mutable signs are adaptable. They go with the flow.
Here are 3 steps to navigating any restrictions you might notice coming up around this transit:
(1) Respect the Restriction
It’s important to first respect the restriction. Listen to the signs. Heed the messages.
Consider everything as information.
If you’re trying to do something and it’s repeatedly not working, that might be telling you something important.
Stop trying to push through for a moment and pay attention to the messages you are receiving.
(2) Check in With Your Desires
Spending energy to reroute or to push through blocks for something you don’t really want is a waste of your resources.
Before you restrategize, check in with yourself to verify that you still want to pursue this destination.
Sometimes the restrictions come to show us that where we are headed is not aligned for us.
What do you really want?
What end goal will light you up and make you feel truly fulfilled?
(3) Find Another Route
Once you get clear on your destination, then evaluate the landscape to find another route.
Life is about how you play the angles. Instead of trying to push through the obstacle, how can you navigate around it?
When your Sun is determined and purposeful, small road blocks won’t get in your way.
[…] Also Read: 3 Ways to Navigate the Roadblock of Sun Square Saturn […]