One of the things that I love about astrology is that it helps you direct your focus to each area of your life over the course of a year. Each sign of the zodiac maps to an area of life, known as “houses.”
Leo season pulls the focus to my 11th house. The 11th house is known as the House of Friendships. It is the house of community and collective, group activities and experiences. It is also the house of good fortune and destiny.
I don’t know who originally assigned the topics to each house, but the attributions of both friendship/community and good fortune to the same house is telling. It reminds us of something we may already know, but perhaps also forget:
Nobody does it alone.
And yet, for me, the past few years (even pre-Covid) have been lonely times. I’ve felt isolated and alone, and it’s taken a toll on my well-being, my work, and my business.
This Leo season feels like the perfect opportunity to right the ship and get back on course.
My intention for this Leo season is to nurture community.
As I thought about the community I want to nurture, I wrote down what came to me about this intention. I am sharing it with you here in part for my own accountability, and in part to spark your reflection on the qualities you are seeking in community.
My Intentions for Leo Season
My intention for this Leo season is to nurture community.
I surround myself with people who accept me as I am, who see my gifts and my talents, and who help me nurture and nourish them, so that I can use those gifts and talents in service of the immediate community and the broader collective.
I know that I do my best work in collaboration, and so I nurture the ebb and flow of the creative process by surrounding myself with people who embrace their creativity, who are willing to take risks and be uncomfortable, and who encourage me to do the same.
People who challenge me without trying to change me.
People who help me embrace my failures and my stumbles, and who help me love all of myself: what is fabulous and what is flawed.
People who help me feel safe in my work and in the work of stepping into more visibility.
I am a participant in a collaborative and collective of like-minded and like-hearted people who are diverse in their points of view and experiences, yet similar in their caring and compassion.
This community is a place where I come to teach and learn, give and receive, witness and be witnessed, hold and be held.
In this collective, there are no gurus, no master teacher, and no one leader.
We are all leaders. We learn from and with each other.
In this community, nobody is ahead or behind.
This is a collective in which competition exists in its original meaning:
We seek together.
In the community I inhabit, we accept each other as we are. We know that we do not need to improve ourselves or heal, because nothing is broken — each of us is whole and complete in our imperfections.
The communities and collectives I inhabit are of the highest energy and vibration. My collaborators and co-conspirators know that this doesn’t mean that we pretend that “everything is great” when that is not true, but rather that we welcome and embrace all emotions and experiences as they arise.
The spaces we create are welcoming to all our parts: our shadows, our light, our radiance, our brilliance.
In these spaces, we know that the ultimate value we bring is not in our “thought leadership” or our best ideas, but in our “soul leadership:”
Showing up in pure presence with the knowledge that this is more than enough, and often is the only thing needed to facilitate transformation at the deepest levels.
These are my intentions for Leo season.
And so it is.
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