Life can be disruptive at times. Sometimes circumstances don’t want to cooperate with our plans.
For many of us, the natural tendency in the face of disruption is to hold on even more tightly to what we have, to dig in our heels, to stand our ground.
We resist the disruption, fight the change. We do everything in our power to maintain the status quo.
This is the wrong way to address the situation.
What you resist, persists.
Whether it arrives in the form of an illness, the passing or a close relative or friend, a global pandemic or something else, disruption tells us that it’s time to change.
Disruptions come to teach us a new way of being and moving through life. When we hold on to old ways of being and doing, we don’t allow the new ways to emerge.
Resisting the change is a recipe for suffering.
It might seem strong to hold on to what is, but this isn’t strong. It’s ignorant.
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