set a lower bar
release high expectations
find the easy way
Did you make any New Year’s “resolutions” this year?
If so, how are they holding up?
Studies show that this is the time of year when most people who make resolutions start to abandon them. The vast majority of resolutions don’t survive into February.
One reason for that is that many people set the bar too high to start. We make it harder on ourselves than it needs to be.
I’ve been cultivating daily habit streaks for over 8 years. I started with a morning workout, added a daily journaling practice, meditation, writing, and blogging, among other things.
One of my secrets to getting traction is to start small. And I mean small.
Whatever you think is small, cut it in half.
Yes, I see you trying to raise the bar before you’ve even started. I’m talking to you.
Recently, while working with a client to establish a meditation practice, I advised my client to start with a commitment of 2 minutes. Even 1 minute, done consistently, is good enough to start.
The client’s response: I should be able to do 5 minutes.
This is what I’m talking about. We set the expectations for ourselves too high.
It’s not going to feel comfortable. It might even feel insignificant.
But don’t underestimate the power of a small amount, done consistently.
It’s perfectly acceptable — in fact, even helpful — to lower the bar sometimes. Meet it consistently before you increase incrementally.
The momentum from meeting your minimum will carry you far.
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