Sometimes, other people can create the conditions that imprison our souls. Especially the people who are closest to us.
Expectations create oppression.
Being saddled with a burden to comply and conform can leave you feeling disconnected from your essence.
When your opinions are shut down, dismissed, or even ignored — repeatedly, over time — you can become conditioned to a belief that your voice doesn’t matter, that your input has no value.
The people in your life who know you the longest often have a vested interest in seeing you as you once were. Or perhaps as you never were but how they always wanted you to be.
As they reflect this back to you, this is how you come to see yourself.
This is the prison in which many people live for years. Decades.
Never underestimate the power of conditioning and the hold it can put on someone.
Many live in the prisons of other people’s expectations long after the “other people” have died.
It’s the prison of a false self — a distortion of who you are based on an illusion constructed by those who are invested in your being a certain way.
It can take years to break free of these prison walls.
The beliefs and thoughts that develop in these containers can be so deeply embedded that they are hard to see. And until you see them, you can’t break free of them.
It’s time for freedom.
Freedom begins with a discarding of the forms and structures that have crushed your soul.
Find the people who aren’t invested in your adherence to old norms and the status quo. The people who can reflect to you the higher truth and essence that they see.
Break free of the patterns that limit your movement.
Disconnect from the people who limit your possibility.
Overthrow the paradigms that stifle your potential.
This isn’t some new-age woo talk. This comes straight from the Declaration of Independence:
When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
You don’t need to listen to the same people who have been pushing you down. It’s time to liberate your soul from the prison of suffering.
Listen to those who reflect what you know, deep in your soul, to be true.
Embrace who you are and how you are, because who you are and how you are is what the world needs now.
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