embrace where you are
revel in the unknowing
open to all paths
The word resistance is often used to describe that force that arises to keep us from pursuing our goals and dreams.
You’ve likely experienced this: you have a project due, you set a deadline, and then you engage in all manner of self-sabotaging practices to avoid doing the work.
But what if you don’t have a big project due? What if you don’t even have any goals at all? If you’re lacking motivation and have no clarity on your life direction, can resistance even show up?
Yes, it can.
First, let’s distinguish between two different states of feeling unclear.
If you have a goal or you’re working on a project and you find yourself confused about how to implement, or the actions to take, that’s a form of resistance.
Confusion, which can also show up as overwhelm, is one of the primary resistance archetypes. It’s a veil that blocks the truth and keeps us spinning.
That’s a “classic” form of resistance. And by classic I mean it’s the type of scenario that most people speak of when they speak about The Resistance.
The other type of resistance is less often discussed by high performers and high achievers. That’s because it involves a scenario that is often foreign to us: a lack of direction in the first place.
I can’t recall another time in my life when I experienced a prolonged period of no ambition.
Post-achievement let-down is common, but the void is usually filled quickly with a new hill to climb.
Having no big outcome that I desire feels strange. I notice the urge to make it wrong. I hear the voice that tells me I need to set my sights on something.
And that’s the resistance.
Any time we are trying to push away our present experience we are in resistance.
The emptiness bears gifts, which we miss when we are in resistance.
By embracing the emptiness we remain open to all that wants to emerge. We keep ourselves attuned to all possibilities.
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