Thursday marked the start of one of the bright spots of 2021 as Jupiter, the planet of expansion, abundance, wisdom, and blessings, moved into the sign of Pisces.
In Pisces, Jupiter is said to be “at home” or “in its own sign.”
What does it mean for a planet to be in its own sign?
We can think of a zodiac sign as a set of conditions, which govern how planets must act while in that sign.
A planet is in its own sign, or domicile, has full access to all of its resources. It can express itself fully and meet its potential. It is unlimited and unrestrained in how it does its job, and does its job with greater ease — we might say it’s “in flow.”
As point of reference, Jupiter just spent the past 19 months in Capricorn and Aquarius, signs of its detriment. These signs are ruled by Saturn, whose signature is all about boundaries, limits, and contraction, while Jupiter wants to expand.
In Pisces, a water sign with no borders, Jupiter is unshackled and uninhibited. It gets to bring its abundance to all.
A planet in its own sign operates according to its own rules. It is not influenced or controlled by any other planet. It is the master of its domain. It has sovereignty.
Learning from Planetary Productivity Patterns
If you’re rolling your eyes, here’s some more good news: you don’t have to believe in astrology to receive the benefits from Jupiter in Pisces or the lessons available here.
Astrology is not a belief system; it’s the study of patterns: the transits of planets through the sky, the relationships they form, and how these factors impact the planets’ work.
We can use these patterns to inform our own work.
There’s a saying: As above, so below.
What happens in the sky is a mirror of what happens on Earth. And vice versa.
We are like the planets, and as we travel through life, we spend time in conditions — homes, jobs, careers, relationships, etc. — that enhance our work and those that obstruct it.
Just as an astrologer studies planetary transits, we can study our own transits to learn our patterns.
What’s your “home sign?”
Consider yourself as a planet.
What does it mean for you to be “at home” or “in your own sign?”
Stated differently,
What are the conditions that help you fully express yourself, to show up in your power, fully resourced, in service of your best work?
This isn’t a question with an answer; it’s an inquiry that seeks wisdom, a portal to investigation.
You might say it’s the inquiry, because when we discover the conditions of our “home sign” we unlock the door to our potential.
To be clear, there’s a lot of nuance here.
We can consider our “home sign” at the broadest level of our lives, — what conditions help me thrive? — on the granular level of what we need to accomplish specific tasks, and at every point in between.
We can also look at this from the perspective of each of the roles we play. We have all the planets within us; what does each one need?
To go through all the nuance of this takes more than a blog post — it’s a foundational element of my signature program.
You Don’t Need More Productivity Hacks
Few people engage in this inquiry.
Most people do what they’ve been told to do, in the way they’ve been told to do it, without questioning any part of what they’re doing or how they’re doing it.
Our most common approach to feeling stuck is to seek the latest productivity hack, a new course to teach us the essential skill we must be missing, or to try to model someone we view as successful.
When these “proven” tactics don’t work for us, we may find ourselves frustrated and in despair, wondering what’s wrong with us.
The only thing “wrong” is that we’re looking for solutions in the wrong place.
The latest productivity hack isn’t going to help.
Relying on productivity hacks, or trying to model someone else, is like Jupiter trying to fully express itself in a sign ruled by Saturn: you may be able to bring parts of yourself forward, but you’ll be limited and constrained by parameters that were not designed for how you work best.
You’ll never fulfill your potential by playing someone else’s part, or by playing your part in someone else’s style.
The First Step to Sovereignty
We all desire to feel fully expressed, to experience the flow state and effortless ease in our work and life endeavors.
Initiating the investigation into the conditions that create our “home sign” is the first step to fulfilling our potential and claiming our sovereignty.

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