Tonight’s new moon is in Aries, the first sign in the cycle of the Zodiac. Falling on the heels of Passover and Easter, holidays that celebrate renewal and rebirth, it feels especially connected to that energy of renewal.
New moons are always a time for renewal and recommitment, and this new moon is an especially potent time to examine our commitments and recommit to what is most important to us.
Aries is a cardinal fire sign. As the first sign in the Zodiac, Aries initiates. Aries leads us into the cycle of the year.
So this new moon invites us to connect with our leadership energy.
What does it mean to lead? How do we lead? How do we show up as leaders?
As it happens, we can find guidance in the planetary positions at this new moon. Here are three attributes of leadership revealed in the current sky.
(1) Commit to Your Beliefs
New moons in general are times for setting intentions and recommitting to our commitments. In addition, Mars, the ruler of Aries, is in a trine to Jupiter, an angle that signifies a helpful relationship. Mars is the planet of fighting, the God of War. This isn’t necessarily “bad.” In its light, Mars is about action. Jupiter is the planet that represents our beliefs.
Astrologer Andrea Dupuis explains that this aspect between Mars and Jupiter invites us to reconsider our beliefs (Jupiter )and recommit to what we’re willing to fight for (Mars) — whether it’s relationships, our health, our rights, our work, boundaries, or other issues that are important to us.
What beliefs or values are you committed to? What are you willing to fight for?
(2) Commit to Doing the Hard Work
Sometimes the hard work is in the form of external action and other times it is in the form of inner work.
At the time of the new moon, Venus and Pluto will form a square, a relationship of tension. Astrologer Chani Nicholas explains that this aspect asks us to unearth and examine something that has been kept underground, to strip away the superficial layers of what is between us and the truth.
Astrologer Andrea Dubuis explains that “the purpose of Pluto is to bring us deep transformation, which isn’t always pretty.”
We cannot lead effectively if we are uncomfortable in our own skin. A leader is willing to do the hard inner work and risk being vulnerable for the purpose of showing up fully as themselves.
What is calling to be stripped away at this new moon? What truths are buried under the filters?
(3) Commit to Letting Go
Venus, which is also currently in Aries, is the planet of love and relationships. As the Venus/Pluto square unearths deep truths for the purpose of transformation, it can signal the ending of some relationships that are no longer serving us.
The dark time of the moon cycle is a time to release, which leaves us in the emptiness of the void.
New moons are a time of darkness. They always call on us to trust that the light will reappear. In the same way, they call on us to trust that when we clear space the rebirth will happen and the seeds will bloom.
A leader is willing to let go because they trust that by letting go they will create space for something better.
Where are you being called to let go? How solid is your trust that something better will come along?
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