When you’re working to change a long-held pattern of behavior, movement, emotions, mindset toward work, or any other habit, you need to take an action that is different from what you typically do.
The only way to change the pattern is to do something different.
The biggest challenge with this is that “different” often feels “wrong.”
Consider your body: if you consistently adopt the same posture, your body adapts. That posture feels “normal” to you. When you correct your posture it feels “wrong.”
The fact that it feels different doesn’t mean it’s wrong, it just means it’s different. Different often feels wrong because it’s unfamiliar.
In my years of training flying trapeze and trampoline, I’ve developed an adage that often applies even beyond the realm of athletics.
If it feels wrong, it’s probably right.
Of course, different doesn’t necessarily mean that the new way is “right.”
But different at least gets you out of the old pathology.
Rewiring patterns means committing to doing something different. It will feel different, and possibly feel wrong. It will feel uncertain and unfamiliar.
But as long as you’re doing something different you’re on the right path — the path to changing habits.
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