Imagine if you could access secret or hidden knowledge that would help you take massive leaps in your life.
Imagine if you could order this knowledge from Amazon.
All of your attention would be focused on getting that package. Every time a delivery truck drove by you’d jump to the window like a dog waiting for its owner, wondering if this was the truck that contained the package. You’d be so eager for this package, wanting to open it immediately, because you know that what it contains is of immense value to you.
The package comes to us every day, but in our yearning to optimize our productivity, “stay focused,” and stay comfortable, we miss it.
What We Push Away
Our instinct is to push away what we don’t like and what makes us uncomfortable. But everything that shows up in our lives is a reflection of a part of us that we can’t see. So whatever we push away represents that part of ourselves that we are pushing away.
The hidden and secret knowledge that we wish to access is in what we push away. The missing piece to the puzzle that we are trying to piece together is found in whatever experience we are pushing away, and the part of ourselves we are disowning in that process.
What We Miss
Every experience we have is designed to teach us something. Every person we encounter is a messenger and a message.
The books that call to us to read, the glittery object in the street that captures our attention, the fly that lands on your finger, every distraction we encounter in our day — all of them are coming specifically to tell us something.
What if all those things that distract you and divert your attention every day are not distractions? What if those are the clues and secret knowledge that you’ve been waiting for?
When we push these away in the name of “staying focused” and “staying productive” we miss the messages.
Thousands of times a day, in the smallest of ways, we miss the messages arriving for us. Not to mention the small messages.
Be aware of all signals in your environment. Attune to what’s around you and to the impulses within you.
Listen, and you will hear the message of your inner wisdom guiding you. It knows the way. You only need to tune in and trust it.
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