We often confuse or conflate the concepts of “focus” and “presence.” They feel similar.
They are not the same. In fact, focus can often detract from presence.
As I shared previously, in our rush to achieve a certain result, we may inadvertently skip steps. Failing to honor the sequence in a process increases the effort required to achieve the result, if we achieve it at all.
In many cases, this failure to honor the sequence is caused by an over-focus on the outcome at the expense of presence with the process.
When we focus, we narrow our field to see only the object of our pursuit. Focus can be a great productivity tool that helps us minimize distractions. But it also hurts us by removing us from the present moment.
When we focus on what’s ahead or what we desire, we lose presence with where we are. What’s here in front of us.
This pattern shows up in many places. It’s especially common in professional services and sales.
I often see professionals get so lost in their focus on the outcome that they lose presence with where the client is in her process and what the client needs most in the moment.
In the real estate industry, I see agents get so focused on “converting the lead” or “closing the deal” that they push the clients to make decisions that aren’t aligned for the client. They miss the opportunity to truly serve the client in the way the client needs to be served.
When we live with a narrowed vision that is focused solely on the outcome, we miss out on the opportunity to offer deeper transformation.
While it’s helpful to know your outcome, true transformation happens in the present moment.
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