The Devil’s in the details.
There are two ways to interpret this classic idiom.
Things that appear to be simple and straightforward often mask complication or issues within the details. When it comes to success — in life, business, health, relationships — the small things matter more than the big things. It’s important to be attentive to the details, to collect and sort all the information, to be thorough.
It’s the small things that tend to make or break a project or plan. It’s the attention to the details and the data that get you the deal, the job, the opportunity — or that cause you to lose it.
On the other hand, too much attention to the detail can be just as devilish. Too many details, too much data, and too much information can drown you in a sea of overwhelm, weighing you down as you try to swim through the ocean of life.
Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo
This tension rises to the surface with this week’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo (March 14, 2:54 am ET, 23º56’), which is happening near the South Node.
At the full moon in Virgo, the Sun in Pisces is exactly opposite the moon in Virgo.
Virgo, ruled by Mercury, is a sign where details, data, and information are held in high regard. Virgo loves a good system, a sequence, and a structure. It’s particular about the details — sometimes to the point of perfectionism.
Pisces, ruled by Jupiter, finds all those details and data overwhelming. Pisces is a place where intuition and inner knowing is held in the highest regard.
Here are 4 themes of this Lunar Eclipse.
(1) Prepare for Disruption
This is the first of four eclipses we will have in Virgo over the next two years — through the beginning of 2027, and it marks the beginning of a story arc that will develop over that time.
Eclipses bring a disruption to the usual order of events. At the full moon, the Earth’s shadow will completely obscure the moon’s light, making the moon appear red.
Virgo is a sign that loves routine and ritual. It finds comfort in the details and information. But this eclipse is throwing that into disarray.
Eclipse energy is unstable, like a sudden power outage or power surge. Eclipses bring reversals, shake us out of routine, and can can portend major endings and beginnings.
(2) Go Backward to Go Forward
To better understand the nature of this full moon, we look to the ruler of Virgo, which is Mercury. At the time of the full moon, Mercury is stationing retrograde in Aries.
On March 15 at 2:46 am ET, Mercury will start moving backward in Aries; it will eventually dip back into Pisces. Mercury stations retrograde while sitting next to Venus, which is also retrograde.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac; it’s a sign of initiation and moving forward into new territory. Pisces — which is opposite Virgo — is the last sign of the zodiac.
Mercury stationing retrograde at the time of the total lunar eclipse tells us that we must turn away from the future to clear up something from the past before we can move forward.
It also reflects a place where you might be changing your mind about what’s important to you or your direction in life. Venus retrograde is already inviting us to clarify our desires and what we want.
(3) Clear The Path From the Past
This eclipse is happening near the South Node, a place of release and clearing out.
It evokes the ancient wisdom that to move forward, we must “clear the path from the past.”
The Sun is in Pisces, sitting between Saturn, the planet of harsh limits and structure, and Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusion. Neptune is at the final degree of Pisces.
With all of this energy concentrated at the end of Pisces, on the cusp of the initiation point of Aries, we might feel eager to move forward. At the same time, it feels like something is keeping us stuck.
Mercury and Venus retrograde are telling us that we need to move backward first.
Virgo is a sign that loves data and details. It likes the efficiency of a good system, good habits, routines and rituals.
The lunar eclipse in Virgo at the south node suggests that when it comes to moving forward, the devil’s in the details: seeking comfort in data and information, being perfectionistic or overly critical of ourselves and others.
It invites us to look at what mental, physical, or emotional clutter is holding us back.
The invitation of this eclipse is to examine your life to see
- where things are inefficient;
- where you’re drowning in too much data and information;
- where you’re wasting time, energy, and resources;
- what habits are draining you instead of supporting you.
The South Node eclipse tells us that it’s time to let go of whatever is getting in our way, and to make a change.
(4) A Small Change Can Shift Your Trajectory
As you consider what At the time of the eclipse, the Sun and Moon are both inching toward a supportive aspect to Uranus — the planet of disruption and sudden change.
This signature encourages us to consider what changes we might make to a status quo that is keeping us stuck. Uranus brings change not for the purpose of disruption, but for our liberation.
This invites a change in perspective regarding your mindset and intention. In the darkness of the eclipse, you may receive insight and intuition about a new path. The change might be small, like a new shift to your morning rituals or a change in your routine.
Even a slight shift can set us on a completely different trajectory.
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