It’s time to summon your courage, command the stage, and challenge the status quo — even if it means disrupting your life.
Imagine a situation where fires are burning, the wind is fanning the flames, and then a major disruption happens that seems to pour more fuel on the fire.
That describes the Full Moon in Leo, which arrives on February 12 (8:53 am ET, 24º06’ Leo).
This is a full moon that promises to be rife with drama, a lot of energy, some significant disruptions, and some bold moves. If you summon your courage, you can be the perpetrator of those disruptions, and innovate in a way that liberates you from your current situation.
The Full Moon in Leo occurs when the Moon in the sign of Leo — a fire sign — is opposite the Sun in Aquarius — an air sign.
Here are three ways to work with this dramatic full moon.
(1) Find Constructive Outlets for Your Energy
Full moons are activating. They can bring swells of emotion, sleepless nights, and a feeling like you need to physically need to move through something.
This is especially true of a full moon in a fire sign.
Fire is the element of action. It represents passion, drive, and the primal energy that fuels and sustains life.
When we have a full moon in a fire sign, it means the Sun is an air sign — in the wheel of the zodiac, Fire and Air are always in opposition. Fire needs oxygen to grow; air fans the flames of the fire. This is active, yang energy: the elements of air and fire both move outward and upward.
You might feel like you have a lot of pent-up energy that needs to be expressed in some way. You might feel “fired-up,” angry, or passionate about something.
How to Work With This:
Make a plan for how you want to work with this energy constructively, both in moving the energy through your body and how you channel it into your work.
You may need a vigorous workout to move this energy through you.
Also consider what projects are calling for your energy
A plan for exactly how you wish to channel this energy will keep you from bouncing around aimlessly or burning out.
(2) Be Open and Adaptable
At this Full Moon, the Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Leo are in a square — an aspect of friction — with Uranus in Taurus.
Uranus is the planet of disruption, change, revolution, and rebellion. It speaks to major reorganizations of systems, structures, and the status quo.
However, the disruption that Uranus brings is not just for its own sake: it’s purpose is to liberate us from the constraints in which we’ve been operating.
Uranus is tied to the myth of Prometheus, the Greek god who stole fire from the Olympic gods and gave it to the people. In the myth, the fire represents knowledge, enlightenment, and sudden spiritual awakening. Prometheus took what was available to only a select few and gave it to the masses, liberating them from their old paradigms.
This give Uranus its association with sudden breakthroughs.
Change is always disruptive to some extent, but the signature of change at this full moon might feel “extra.” That’s because this signature of the Sun opposing the Moon in a square to Uranus is happening in fixed signs — signs that are typically resistant to change.
Remember that disruptions don’t have to be “bad.” Sometimes we need to shake up the landscape in order to dislodge the obstacles and energies that have been keeping us stuck.
Uranus can help with overcoming fears and blocks, if we’re open to seeing from a different perspective.
How to Work With This:
Be willing to question why you’re doing something a certain way. Get curious about a different way you could achieve the result you desire — or maybe a better result that you haven’t even considered.
(3) Get Creative, Courageous, and Innovative
Leo is a sign that is courageous and bold. It’s the sign of royalty and movie stars — a sign of high drama and taking center stage.
Leo is ruled by the Sun, which means the Sun rules this Full Moon.
Of course, the Sun is in Aquarius, the sign of it’s detriment. This means that the Sun doesn’t have its full resources available to do its work.
How to Work With This:
What happens when you’re fired up to channel your passion and energy into a project but you don’t have all the tools and resources you need to do the job?
If you’re really passionate about it, you find a different way.
You get resourceful, creative, and maybe a little scrappy. You challenge the assumptions of the status quo. You find a different path.
You dig deep to find the resources you need most — those Leo qualities of courage, moxie, and boldness. You channel your confidence into whatever you are doing, even if you’ve never done it before, or done it this way.
Full Moon in Leo: Embrace the Drama
The new path you forge under this full moon may lead to your breakthrough, and it may be the disruption that liberates you and others from the status quo.
Get loud. Command your spotlight. Embrace the drama of disruption.
This is no time for doing things in the same old way.
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