If you’re having a slow start to the year, you’re not alone.
Since the start of the year, I’ve heard from many people who are feeling slow, sluggish, tired, and unmotivated.
Sometimes it’s just a seasonal thing. Remember that the idea of “starting new” in January is a relatively recent custom that is actually contrary to nature’s rhythms. Seasonally, this is the time of year to retreat, hibernate, and plan. Perhaps one reason many people tend to get sick at this time of year is simply that w’re trying to run our lives out of rhythm with nature.
That said, don’t overlook the impact of Mars retrograde.
Significations of Mars: The Planet of Action
Mars is the planet that speaks to our motivation, drive, and desire. Our “inner Mars” is our courage and bravery, how we take action, workout, move through life, and generally get things done. The sign where Mars is traveling through, and the speed at which is is traveling, can impact all of these things within us.
In its normal pattern, Mars is a hot and fast planet. As the ruler of Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, Mars initiates action. Our Mars is the leader within us who takes charge, cuts through the bullshit, and gets things done. Yes, it may be impulsive at times, and it can risk severing the wrong threads, but a well-balanced Mars knows that sometimes you have to cut things out to move forward.
The Impact of Mars Retrograde
When Mars is retrograde — appearing to move backward — it’s at its slowest. Slow, backward movement is the opposite of its nature.
Mars stationed retrograde in the sign of Leo on December 6. On January 6, Mars moved backward from Leo into Cancer. Mars in Leo is a fire planet in a fire sign. In Cancer, it brings a very different energy.
Mars Retrograde in Cancer
Mars in Cancer is said to be in its “fall” or “depression.” In Cancer, Mars is in conditions opposite to what it prefers. Mars is a warrior wielding its sword that wants to cut through whatever in its way. It favors direct, blunt, no-holds-barred action. It cuts to the chase and moves swiftly without caring who gets injured along the way.
Cancer is a water sign ruled by the Moon and symbolized by the Crab. In Cancer, action is often at the whim of emotions, and often sidesteps issues rather than confronting them directly. Cancer is a sign about nurture, protection, and care — things that don’t come naturally to Mars.
So Mars retrograde in Cancer puts the firey planet of forward movement in a sign contrary to its nature and moving in a direction contrary to its nature.
Mars in Cancer can feel sluggish and congested. We might notice a lack of motivation, a loss of our inner fire, a lack of desire to move much at all. Or we might be moving more slowly than usual — even if that’s contrary to our typical nature.
How to Work Constructively With Mars Retrograde in Cancer
Mars will be retrograde in Cancer until February 23.
Does this mean you should just pull up the covers and stay in bed until then? Of course not — although you might want to schedule in some extra naps when you plan your schedule.
Instead of bemoaning the current state of your inner drive and motivation, it’s more constructive to learn how to work with this energy. If you use this time constructively, you can be poised to charge forward when Mars eventually moves back into Leo in April — at the start of Spring.
What might this look like?
Primarily, it’s a time for review.
Retrogrades of any planet are periods for review and reassessment. When a planet retrogrades, it moves over a particular slice of the zodiac 3 times, bringing extra attention to that area of our lives.
Essentially, it’s like we ran a race, paused, saw what didn’t work well, then went back to the starting line to run it again.
3 Areas to Review During Mars Retrograde in Cancer
Every planetary retrograde asks us to review a different aspect of our personality. For example, Mercury retrogrades are times to review how we learn and communicate, travel, and work with information and technology.
Mars retrogrades pull our focus to Mars things: our motivation, drive, how we take action and how we get things done.
This can be in your work, your workouts, or any other place you take action. You’ll want to focus most specifically on the area of your life that falls in the sign of Cancer.
Within that context, here are 3 areas to review during Mars’ retrograde in Cancer.
(1) Systems, Processes, Techniques, and Skills
Mars retrograde is a prime time to review your systems, processes, techniques, and skills.
- What systems and processes are working?
- What’s no longer working?
- What needs to change?
- Where do you need better systems and processes?
- Where have you been trying to “muscle” things or power through, instead of learning proper techniques?
- What skills do you need to upgrade in order to make better progress?
(2) How Emotions Impact Your Mood and Motivation
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which is associated with the body and emotions. Unlike other planets, the Moon is variable — which speaks to the nature of emotions generally. Just like the Moon waxes and wanes, our emotions can fluctuate like waves in the ocean.
When Mars is in Cancer, we can be extra susceptible to being swayed by the emotions of the moment. Motivation can wax and wane with our moods, throwing us off our action plan for the day.
Mars is a hot planet, and Cancer is a water sign. This combination can create inflammation, which causes stagnation, both in our physical movements and our movement through our days. Astrologer Chani Nicholas described Mars in Cancer as phlegmy and congested, which definitely tracks for me and many of my clients right now.
Mars’ retrograde through Cancer is a good time to notice how your motivation and action might ebb and flow with the waves of your emotions, and how you move when you feel bogged down with congestion and a foggy head.
- Does a difficult conversation that makes you angry throw off your whole day — or longer?
- Do you get stuck in rumination?
- Do you tend to dissociate when things get overwhelming?
Once you see where and how you get inflamed and stuck, you can develop strategies and hone techniques for clearing the emotional charge from your mind and body so it doesn’t keep you stuck.
For example, if you’re prone to holding in your anger, maybe you need a vigorous workout or active breathwork to release the steam in order to prevent anger from taking root within you.
(3) What’s Essential — and What Can You Cut Away
When we are congested in our respiratory system, we might experience brain fog and fuzziness. It becomes hard to move and think.
Trying to do too much at once can cause a similar feeling and stuckness. Just like we look to clear out congestion, we also need to eliminate the work or other responsibilities that are weighing us down.
Mars is a warrior: it likes to move swiftly.
As you review this area of your life, consider what is holding you back.
- What are you carrying that is keeping you from move forward with speed and purpose?
- What is slowing you down?
- What do you really need to get to where you’re going?
Mars loves to cut and sever; use this energy to cut out anything non-essential that is simply creating congestion in your process.
Need Direction?
Mars in Cancer can tend to get lost in the waters, or feel like its fire is out. If you need some assistance — or want to know where this is landing for you — get in touch to schedule a consultation.
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