Each month, the full moon shines a spotlight to a pair of signs that sit directly opposite each other on the wheel of the zodiac. Friday’s full moon in Capricorn brought attention to the Cancer/Capricorn axis.
We’ll revisit this axis again in July, with another full moon at the very end of Capricorn.
On the surface, the two signs in any axis seem to be at odds.
The Polarity of Cancer and Capricorn
Cancer: Moody Water Sign
In this case, Cancer is a water sign with the main qualities of nurturing and care; it infuses everything with emotion. Ruled by the moon, it can fluctuate. Moodiness can be a signature style.
Symbolized by the Crab, it seeks to protect itself, and can be evasive and indirect, side-stepping issues to avoid emotional landmines.
Capricorn: Cold Earth Sign
Capricorn is an earth sign ruled by Saturn, the disciplinarian and task master. Symbolized by the sea goat, which is determined to make its way up the mountain,
Capricorn is a sign that revels in practicality, steadfastness, and perseverance. You have a goal. You take steps every day in pursuit of the goal.
Our work is to mediate the polarity: to find the common ground.
The Common Ground: Honing Focus
Ultimately, they both want the same thing: to hone our focus so we can bring something into being.
This becomes clear when we look at the signs in context.
Each sign has qualities that appear to be in reaction to the preceding sign.
Cancer: From the Head to the Heart
Cancer is a reaction to Gemini, the sign of curiosity and exploration. Gemini season is when are abuzz with social connections and want to explore all the ideas.
Gemini is the sign of the nervous system; as an air sign, its all about thoughts and ideas and conversations. We are in our heads.
Once we get to Cancer, we drop into the heart. Cancer is a water sign, a sign of emotions. Here, the task shifts to nurturing. Cancer season asks us to focus on and nurture something specific.
It’s great to get a taste of everything, but if you want to grow something, you have to nurture it and persistence. You have to water it. You have to love it.
Which project will get your attention for now? What do you want to grow?
Capricorn: From Expansive to Grounded
Capricorn is a reaction to Sagittarius.
Sagittarius, a Jupiter-ruled fire sign, loves the thrill of adventure. Fire expands and spreads, and Jupiter is the planet of “more.” In Sagittarius, we want to travel far and wide, go to all the places, have all the experiences.
It’s great to travel far and wide, but Capricorn brings us back to earth. It reminds us that on this physical plane, we can only be in one place at a time.
We can only climb one mountain at a time.
If you want to climb a big mountain, then you need to commit to that mountain and take steps up the mountain every single day, no matter what.
Even if you don’t feel like it,
The Agreement Between Cancer and Capricorn
This is what Cancer and Capricorn agree on: to bring something into being requires dedication to that thing. to do the work and to nurture it and nourish it consistently so it can grow
Mediating the Extreme of Capricorn
At its extreme, Capricorn can saddle us maybe a little too harshly with the rigors of responsibility and duty of its ruler, Saturn.
Single-minded pursuit of a goal can cause us to separate from others and miss the moments that are right in front of us. Ignoring the pull of emotion can cause us to miss important signals regarding our direction in life.
The polarity with Cancer reminds us to mediate that separation with emotional connection. To reach the top of the mountain is much less of an accomplishment if you’ve alienated the people in your life to get there.
Mediating the Extreme of Cancer
On the other hand, the extreme Cancer can perhaps be a little too smothering with its nurturing, like an overbearing mother. If we are too wrapped up in our feelings and emotions, we might stray from our path.
Like the crab, we might avoid risking our vulnerability for the sake of safety. But if we never emerge from our shells we won’t make meaningful connections in life.
The polarity with Capricorn reminds us to mediate that nurturing with a little distance and objectivity.
You don’t water plants only when you feel like it. You water them when they need watering.
Find The Middle Ground
Our task is to find the middle ground. To stay persistent in pursuit of our ultimate destination without losing the juice of the journey and the rich connections that make the ride worthwhile.
[…] People with Capricorn moons chase success and often put their feelings aside. To find inner peace, it’s good to blend Cancer’s care and Capricorn’s goal-driven nature. Cancer reminds us to look inside and care for our own hearts18. Capricorn teaches the value of hard work and sticking to plans19. […]