Are you ready for a revolution in your communication?
On May 31, Mercury, the messenger, meets up with Uranus, the revolutionary, in the fixed earth sign of Taurus.
What might this mean?
Here are 3 themes to watch for as Mercury and Uranus meet up in Taurus.
(1) Sudden Insights and Breakthroughs
Sometimes when we expect something big to happen and we don’t see the “big thing” that we’re looking for, we overlook what is there. It’s only after a period of time, when other events have transpired, that we suddenly see how the seeds were planted in that earlier moment.
Suddenly something just clicks into place, it’s like a lightning strike. You have an epiphany and awareness, a sudden understanding, a sudden illumination.
The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction on April 20 was hyped as one of those Big Moments. Maybe something big happened around that day. But maybe not. Maybe what happened on that day was a small thing, easy to overlook, that only becomes apparent with the perspective of time.
Mercury is the planet of communication and messages; as it connects with Uranus it can bring a moment of mental clarity or a sudden insight — like a flash of lightning.
This may relate to the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction that occurred on April 20, or to something else.
Sudden clarity is usually liberating, even if it requires some adjusting of structures in your life to accommodate the new awareness. Uranus often brings disruption for the purpose of our liberation.
(2) Nervous System Reset
Both Mercury and Uranus are associated with the nervous system.
Taurus is a fixed earth sign. It’s all about grounding and rooting, finding stability and holding space. Taurus wants to create a feeling of ease, security, and harmony.
As Mercury and Uranus come together they might be speaking to the rhythms, routines practices, and rituals you need to put in place to create a feeling of ease, peace, security, simplicity, and harmony. Taurean concerns for sure.
Uranus in the mix here also speaks to an uprooting and a shakeup; this is the planet of revolution.
This moment might lead to an insight about a reconfiguring or resetting of structures that is necessary to allow you to have a more peaceful and flowing existence.
Taurus loves a consistent routine. People with prominent Taurus placements often hesitate to let go of routines that work for them. But nothing works forever. If a routine or ritual no longer works to serve its purpose, it’s time to let it go.
This restructuring might be uncomfortable but it will eventually serve both your liberation and your nervous system health.
(3) New Approach to Communication
Mercury is the planet that speaks to how we think, process information, perceive, and communicate.
Uranus uproots our old habits; it is the part of us that seeks liberation from structures and systems that no longer serve us.
In medical astrology, every sign corresponds to a body part. Taurus corresponds to the throat.
This brings in a theme of how we are using our voice — both literal and metaphorical.
The throat is the portal through which we communicate our message or “swallow” what we are holding back from saying.
Both Mercury and Uranus also have associations with technology.
As Mercury and Uranus connect in the sign of the throat, it pulls focus to how we are communicating and how we might be holding back from communicating.
Taurus is a Venus-ruled sign; Venus wants to create harmony in relationships. It wants to create ease and flow.
Sometimes this impulse to avoid disruption can cause us to swallow our words and refrain from full expression of our ideas.
But refraining from using your voice isn’t constructive if it results in tension within yourself. The peace isn’t real if it’s only on the surface.
Taurus wants to create things that last.
As Mercury and Uranus meet up in Taurus, they invite us to use our voice in new ways, to disrupt the status quo in order to find a true, sustainable, peace.
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