Who would you be if you didn’t know who you are?
March has been a busy month in the sky. A lot of planets coming into conjunctions. Three planets changed sign. All on the heels of the sun and moon moving into Aries, and the spring equinox.
The planets are currently all direct, and moving quickly, with Aries’ speed.
Everything is changing fast.
As above, so below.
We are a mirror of the skies.
The change isn’t only in the planets; we are entering a new era. Maybe you can’t see it yet, but you will, when you look back.
Amidst my readings and research, I keep coming across this inquiry:
Who would you be if you didn’t know who you are?
This sparked my own inquiry:
Who would you be if you didn’t know what you were supposed to be? Who would you be without the burden of the expectations you feel weighing on your shoulders?
These inquiries are potent; they have the potential to help us align our path to our deepest values.
They aren’t easy to answer, though.
So many of the expectations placed on us come from outside sources. We’ve been with them for so long that we don’t know whether they are really ours.
If you could step into a time where you didn’t know where you had been, where nobody told you who to be and what you were supposed to do with your life, who would you be? What would you do?
What is your path into this new future?
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