Once every two years, the planet Mars meets up with the Sun in the same part of the sky in a conjunction — also known as a “cazimi.”
When any planet meets up with the Sun in a cazimi, it is said to be infused with the Sun’s light and power. Similar to a new moon, it’s a cosmic refresh; a new initiation of the planet’s synodic cycle.
Today’s Mars cazimi (November 18, 12:42 am ET) has extra potency because Mars and the Sun are meeting up in Scorpio, which is one of Mars’ home signs.
Although a Mars cazimi happens every 2 years, this is the first time in 32 years that the cazimi is happening in Scorpio.
Because Scorpio is a fixed sign, this Mars cazimi has extra tenacity, determination, and staying power.
What does it mean in practical terms?
The Mars cazimi marks the start of a new journey related to the part of our lives that relates to Mars things.
Mars Archetype and Significations
The planet Mars is the archetype of The Warrior, but don’t be misled by that term.
When the Warrior archetype is in balance, it represents that part of us that is clear on what we desire, and focused, determined, and persistent in moving toward what we desire.
The Warrior in balance is a leader: decisive about what you want and courageous in going after it. You are bold, confident, and tenacious. You persist even in the face of adversity or struggle.
On the other hand, when the Mars within us is out of balance, we can lose patience easily and be slaves to our anger and frustration.
Mars in Scorpio: Strategic and Stealth
Striving toward what you want doesn’t necessarily mean bursting out of the gate and taking quick, indiscriminate action.
Mars in Scorpio is strategic and stealth. It hones in on what it wants and waits patiently for its moment, like a hunter waiting for its prey who pounces at just the right moment.
How to Work With the Mars Cazimi
This moment is ripe for initiating a new project, but know that this is a long campaign — what we initiate at the Mars cazimi can take a while to take shape, and will take a couple of years to manifest.
Whatever project you initiate at the Mars cazimi will likely not come to fruition immediately — this is not the time for “overnight” success. It will likely force you to confront adversity or involve a struggle. It may even take a while for the project to take shape.
This will be a two-year campaign that will require perseverance, determination, and staying power in the face of hardship.
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