Today is Christmas Day. It’s also the last day of Chanukah. Both holidays celebrate miracles that happened thousands of years ago.
Some people think miracles are a quirk of ancient times.
In 2022, where are the miracles? Maybe it seems we get more plagues than miracles.
That’s only because we forget where to look.
Think about it: do you even bother looking for something if you don’t believe you’ll find it?
Why would you waste your energy and time?
This is the thing we often forget about miracles.
We’re often looking outside ourselves for the miracles.
Waiting to meet the right person, to read the right book, to receive the right gift that will change the trajectory of our livers.
We’re waiting for someone to appear, for something to happen.
Where’s the sign?
It’s all right there in front of us. It’s all happening. You are living in world of endless miracles but you don’t see them because you’re not looking in the right place.
Think about the people in your life. How did you meet them?
Each person in your life came as a miracle. You were in a certain place at a certain time and met them. Even if someone introduced you, how did that come about?
Every step of your life has been guided by decisions you made — most of them without your conscious awareness. You may believe you had control over it, but whatever conscious control you had played a much smaller role than you think.
You act on an idea; what put that idea into your head in the first place?
You found someone who wanted what you had to offer. How did you find that person? Perhaps you researched your market and looked for what you wanted. But that only contributes to the result; it doesn’t account for all of it.
Every result in life is a confluence of process, practice, and miracle.
If you want to receive more miracles, you must look within yourself first.
Your miracle begins with a mindset shift. A shift within yourself that creates a belief that you will receive miracles.
Rational logic says “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
Rational logic is wrong. People often refuse to believe something is true even when presented with evidence of it.
The mind won’t let you see something that you don’t believe; it protects itself against the cognitive distortion.
To see the miracles around you, you must believe in them first.
The miracle is your ability to see what’s right in front of you.
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