firey summer sun
welcome to Leo season
let your heart shine forth
Today is the start of a new season in the zodiacal wheel, as the sun moves from Cancer into Leo, it’s home sign. It’s a new month, a new energy, and another chance to begin again.
Cancer is a cardinal water sign, ushering in the summer season (in the Northern hemisphere) with themes of nourishment, care, family, foundation, lineage, heritage, and our roots.
All of us have some Leo within us, even if it’s not our birth sign. Leo season is the time of year to nurture those qualities and bring them forth.
Here’s a short riff on some of the traits and energies of Leo season.
Leo Loves to Shine
The sun is at home in Leo. The sun represents our ego, our exterior personality, and the places where we shine.
Leo brings an energy that is bold, authoritative, and confident. It adores the spotlight; it loves to shine and perform.
In it’s extreme, unbalanced state this can come across as self-centered. In balance this is the energy of visibility: standing confidently in your work, your value, and allowing yourself to be seen in your brilliance.
Leo is a Fixed Fire Sign
Leo is a fire sign. As the “middle” of the three signs of this season, it is a “fixed” sign.
Fire is the element of inspiration, action, motion, and creation. It gives us warmth and light, it allows us to cook. It purifies and sanctifies and cleans.
Like water, fire needs boundaries to keep it in check. Just like water without confinement causes a flood, when not contained by structure, fire spreads indiscriminately. It can cause massive destruction and damage. At the other extreme, when fire burns too hot without tempering it can create burnout.
Fire is passion, purpose, and momentum. We “light a fire” under something to get it going. We “ignite” action. We “burn” with passion, with a “burning desire” to achieve some goal. When we have a deep motivation to act, we have a “fire in our belly.”
At the other extreme, we might “burn” with anger or rage.
As a fixed sign, Leo can be stubborn. This can channel into persistence and perseverance, one of the crucial elements of summer energy.
Leo Rules the Heart
Each sign of the zodiac corresponds to a part of the body. As the home of the sun, Leo rules the heart.
Leo is an archetype that symbolizes abundance, joy, and vitality.
This is the season to let your inner radiance shine forth, to release the shame and fear that leads to self-censorship and hiding. Leo leads with the heart, takes center stage, and allows itself to be seen in its full radiance.
Be the Lion
Symbolized by the lion, Leo symbolizes courage. It is undaunted by obstacles. Leo is not afraid to roar, to use its voice.
[…] the wheel of the zodiac, Aquarius opposes Leo, the Sun’s home sign. Everything in the solar system revolves around the Sun. This manifests in […]