To get to the heart of things, to the truth that lies beneath, to create something new, we must be willing to destroy, to burn what’s in the way.
The process of purification often involves burning something in a fire. This was true in times of ancient sacrifice or as a way of sterilizing medical equipment.
There is no reinvention, no renewal, no refinement, without destruction and elimination.
The word “decide” contains the root -cide — which means to kill off. Same as homicide, suicide, genocide. To choose a path requires giving up another. Sometimes you have to kill off your options to move forward.
And sometimes you must let go of parts of yourself.
Who you were is not who you need to be forever. It’s probably not even who you are anymore.
You can’t even find out who you are as long as you’re holding on to faded memories of who you were, or who you thought you were supposed to be.
You must let go of the person that you are to step into the person you are meant to become.
Although it’s true, I hate platitudes like this, because they gloss over the hard part:
Letting go.
There is no letting go without grief. Especially when it comes to letting go of something that is entwined with your identity.
Grief for what was that won’t become.
Grief for what could have been, but never was.
Grief for promises never fulfilled, and potential never realized.
There is no letting go without uncertainty.
Sometimes you get the luxury of letting go of one thing when you already have the next piece lined up.
More often, we must leap into the void of the mystery, of not knowing what comes next.
Truth: even when you think you know what’s coming next, you often don’t have the full picture.
Venus Cazimi
Today, Venus makes a conjunction with the sun in the sign of Libra.
Venus is one of the benefic planets — it is here to do good. The conjunction with the Sun infuses it with energy and potency while it is in its own sign — fully resourced, with access to all it needs.
It’s the first Venus/Sun conjunction in Libra in almost 100 years. It’s a shift in energy globally — marking the beginning of a new era. It will shift our collective focus to the themes of Venus and Libra: beauty, art, relationships, connection, justice, balance.
And yet it also marks a change.
To receive the blessings we must let go of what we’re holding. We must let go of the way things are, and the ways we have known.
This is true on both a collective level and a personal level.
A Rebirth
For me, this Venus Cazimi is deeply personal. As a Libra rising, this lands in my first house of self, identity, and the body. It is happening at the exact degree of my natal Uranus, the planet of transformation and revolution.
Meanwhile, Uranus is in a multi-year transit through Taurus, the other sign where Venus is at home. Uranus is currently conjunct my natal Sun, in my 8th house of grief, death, and collaboration.
The combination of these transits speaks to a rebirthing in my life, a shift in identity. It’s a moment of claiming my life as my artistry, of claiming my own path.
I’ve been pressuring myself to have the answers, to announce what and who I am stepping into in this next iteration of myself.
The truth is: I don’t know. I don’t have answers.
I realized that maybe this is part of rebirth.
Many spiritual teachers talk about rebirth as this magical time of love and light, forgetting that the birthing process is often painful and messy. (Or so I’ve been told; I’ve never experienced it first hand.)
And when a baby is born, we don’t know how it will grow, what it will become. Part of the excitement is to find out.
This is my practice: to watch, listen, and be excited about the possibilities as they unfold without trying to dictate the direction.
Sometimes the hardest thing to let go is the belief that we must have the answers.
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