This is part of a 7-week series exploring the seven core emotional attributes that drive human interaction, as presented by the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. These attributes are collectively called Sephirot. Each individually is a sephirah.
This week we are exploring the seven aspects of the sphere of Yesod.
delay your action
until you find right timing
harness energy
Procrastination gets a bad rap.
Sometimes you know that you need to do something, but you don’t do it. This may happen especially frequently in the realm of difficult conversations.
Perhaps you’re shaming yourself for not doing the thing.
In that shaming you overlook other compelling reasons supporting your inaction.
Perhaps you don’t yet have the skill to do that action, or the timing isn’t right.
Our cultural conditioning to race towards action without stopping to reflect and integrate can leave us feeling defeated if we don’t take action.
Tiferet of Yesod brings together two energies that focus on integrating and balancing two opposing energies.
In relationships, we might recognize the need to focus on or work on our relationships, with the awareness that it might not be the right time, or we might not have the skills to do so.
It’s important to recognize the impulse to act and to have ways to harness that energy until it’s time.
A focus on communication is also a part of Yesod.
It’s important to be aware of what we are holding that might be transferred to our current partnership — even though the energy may relate to something unrelated to the instant conversation.
Before we engage with a partner, we must ask oursleves whether we have cleared our own energy.
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