Today’s full moon in Aquarius pulls attention to our boundaries.
Here are some ideas about that.
Defining Boundaries
What do we even mean when we talk about boundaries?
Here are 3 different ways to think about bondaries:
- Meditation teacher Jay Chodagam says that boundaries are about making a choice not to take on someone else’s stuff.
- Boundaries are about expressing my preferences for how I want to be treated.
- Boundaries are about enforcing structures that help me create space for my best work.
In short, it’s about saying NO to certain things to say YES to others.
This can be difficult, especially because ultimately all boundaries are within. When we say NO to something we are saying no to a part of ourselves that wants to do that thing.
Boundaries As Self Care
Setting boundaries is a form of self-care. It is how we create space for ourselves.
Boundaries also help our nervous systems feel safe. By minimizing disruptions we prevent the intrusions that cause us to go into fight-or-flight mode.
Boundaries are a Gift
And boundaries can be a gift not just to ourselves, but also to others, letting them know where we stand and what our preferences are.
Reflection Inquiries
- What is your relationship with setting and maintaining your boundaries?
- Where do you need to strengthen your boundaries?
- Where are your boundaries too strict and calling to be relaxed?
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