Today, Mercury and the Sun come together in the sky, in the sign of Cancer. This conjunction is known as a “cazimi.”
In a Mercury Cazimi, the messenger planet is enveloped by the heart of the sun, where it gets a boost of fresh energy. This powers it to do what it does best: spread messages and trigger insights.
It’s a day to listen closely to intuition and pay attention to the insights that can drop in unannounced.
This begs the question:
How do you access your intuition? What produces insights?
The answer is different for everyone, but here is what I have found for me:
Intuition needs space.
Insights don’t come when I’m running from one thing to the next, whether literally or figuratively.
When I’m always thinking about the next blog post, or the next project, or the next activity on the schedule, there’s no room for intuition to come through.
Nor does it come when I’m in total stillness.
Spending all day in meditation, yoga nidras and sound healings may sound like restorative self-care, but that also isn’t the answer.
What works for me is a mix of movement and stilness. Action and recovery. Work and play. Time with other people balanced by time alone.
Having a day that is largely unscheduled, and free from the requirement to create something and ship something.
A day when I can just be, in flow with the rhythm of life.
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