vernal equinox
welcome your maiden and fool
start new adventures
balanced light and dark
a new season emerging
herald rites of spring
emerge from hiding
shake off the winter cobwebs
new journey begins
You can always start again.
Every day. Any day.
And yet some days, some seasons, are particularly potent for restarting.
These moments are not set by the calendar, but by nature herself.
Today is one of those moments, as we celebrate the spring equinox, the start of Aries season, and the zodiacal new year. This is a guide to some of the themes of the equinox, with journaling prompts below.
The Season of Rebirth
Today in the northern hemisphere we celebrate the vernal equinox, the day that marks the balance between light and darkness. This is one of those moments.
Since before there were calendars, people celebrated the equinoxes and the shifting of the seasons. They built cities to track the movement of the sun.
The vernal equinox is the halfway point between the winter solstice and the summer solstice.
It brings a turn in the seasons to spring, a time of rebirth and renewal. We emerge from hibernation as we leave winter behind.
Even if you don’t follow the movement of the planets, it’s impossible to deny the energy at this time.
The Maiden and The Fool
Spring is a season of optimism and possibility. It offers us the excitement of new things.
Spring’s archetypes include the Maiden and the Fool. Intrepid, adventurous, and naive in the best of ways, they step forward with open hearts, unencumbered by expectations of future outcomes or burdens of the past.
Spring Cleaning
And at the same time Spring heralds the ritual of spring cleaning. We must clear away what no longer serves us to create space for what we want to grow.
Every birth involves a letting go, and an ensuing grief.
Sometimes it’s a physical thing or a project. Other times what we must release is our comfort.
As we emerge from hibernation, the increasing light can feel like a lot all at once. Just like a baby loses the safety of the womb, we lose the safety of our warm and cozy spaces.
Journaling Prompts for Equinox
Here are some journaling prompts to help you work with the vernal equinox. The invitation is to journal in response to those that resonate with you, and leave the rest.
- What path is calling you forward?
- What are you being called to build or create?
- What seeds are you planting?
- What part of your life, or what projects, are needing a restart or rebirth?
- What do you wish to grow in the increasing light?
- How can you embody the archetypes of the Maiden and/or the Fool as you step into the new season and embark on new projects?
- What must you release to create space for the new?
- What projects or processes require pruning at this season?
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