Studies show we are the worst predictors of our own happiness. We do things that we think will make us happy but they don’t.
We chase other peoples dreams thinking that if we can do what they’ve done we can feel they feel.
It doesn’t work that way.
If you want to feel happy and fulfilled, then you need to do what makes you feel that way.
Those things aren’t a mystery.
You have been having moments that produce these desired states all your life.
Moments when you…
- lose yourself in time
- experience awe and wonder
- feel profound joy of being
- think “this is what life is about”
- know in your bones, “this is why I’m here”
- feel like everything is aligned
At the end of any day where you say to yourself, “this was a great day,” you’ve had those moments.
Those moments hold the clues to what fulfills you and what makes you happy.
Write them down. Look for the patterns. And find ways to incorporate those patterns into designing your life.
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