embrace feeling lost
stop all searching and seeking
let yourself be found
Now more than ever it feels like so many of us are constantly seeking.
We are searching for the answers to some unsolved mystery of our existence, desperate to find purpose and meaning and a reason for being.
We are turning over rocks and digging through ideas, searching for happiness and fulfillment.
We are seeking place and belonging. A community to shelter us.
The next big achievement or idea.
A sense of who we are.
And it also seems, from what I read and hear, that many of us feel lost.
I can’t help but wonder if we feel lost because we are spending so much energy searching outside ourselves for what is missing.
What if nothing is missing? What if happiness and fulfillment is found right here, in the apparent incompleteness and imperfection of this moment?
What if this moment is actually complete and perfect?
Sometimes surrender is the best strategy. What we are looking for may only reveal itself once we stop searching.
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