swimming in Pisces
Jupiter conjuncts Neptune
dream your biggest dream
Everything comes around in time. But not everything moves at the same pace.
As a result, some events are truly once-in-a-lifetime. Today’s astrology brings us one of those events, as Jupiter and Neptune form a conjunction in Pisces.
These 2 planets form a conjunction approximately every 12–13 years. But their conjunction in Pisces only happens about once every 150 years.
This is significant because both planets are at “home” here. Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces and Neptune is the modern ruler.
So they are coming together in a place where they are fully resourced; the conditions under which they do their best work.
So, what is their work?
Jupiter: The Great Benefic
Jupiter is known as the Great Benefic. It is the planet of expansion, blessings, and beliefs, and it magnifies everything it touches.
Neptune: Dreamy
Neptune is the planet of dreams and intuition. It is also the planet of delusions and fantasies.
Pisces, where this is taking place,is a sign that’s all about oneness, erasing boundaries and transcending the material realm.
Conjunctions mark new beginnings and new cycles. This one is giving us permission to dream bigger than we have ever dreamed before. It invites us to dream our dreams that will transcend martial limits, and that maybe will be a little delusional.
This moment is a call to embrace the spiritual aspects of our experience, to feel into the bigger picture of the collective. Pisces is a group sign — this is not just about your dream; it’s about your dream for humanity.
The Two Extremes
In terms of vibe, this is about as far as we can get from last week’s Saturn/Mars conjunction in Aquarius. That energy — which is still present — was about restriction and constraints.
This is the moment we are in right now. We have the energy of the most expansive and the most restrictive.
And this is part of the lesson from this moment: we need both.
Jupiter and Neptune invite us to dream big. But Neptune can also be delusional and deceptive. It helps to slow things down and impose some constraints before we act on something that may seem to good to be true. The Mars/Saturn energy gives us a reality check.
Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces erodes all boundaries, but if we want to bring our dreams into reality we will need some structure and boundaries and the will to do the hard work. This is what Saturn and Mars bring.
Dream Big and Ground in Reality
The Mars/Saturn energy acts as a reality check on our dreams.
This might seem at odds with the purpose of dreams. Ideas that change the world begin as dreams. And generally at the beginning they are not grounded in reality. They are ideas that other people dismiss as being impossible.
Anyone who wants to change the world must be a little delusional. You have to believe you can create a new reality that doesn’t yet exist.
What we can be realistic about is what we need to do our best work.
What are the conditions that will help you thrive? What is your equivalent of a “home sign” — a place where you are fully resourced?
Getting real about the structures you need to support your best work is the best reality check you can create to help you turn your fantasies and dreams into reality.
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