In my flying trapeze classes, we regularly film video to watch it back. I’m always amazed at how my body can feel one thing while the video shows that something else is happening.
I now regularly film video of my weekday workouts, in part for me and in part for my trainer to review and give me corrections.
Sometimes I cringe when watching the videos, but I know I can’t change anything unless I’m aware of it.
The best way to see something is from outside of it.
The best views of the New York City skyline are from outside the city.
If we want a fresh perspective on our lives, we must be willing to open up to new ways of seeing.
This is one of the teachings of the holiday of Sukkot:
Get outside your home. Get outside yourself. Get a new perspective on your life.
The eye can’t see itself, as Alan Watts said.
Sometimes this new perspective comes from a video. It may come from traveling to a remote destination and getting completely outside your day-to-day routine. A good coach can offer you a fresh outside perspective.
And sometimes it requires merely that you spend a week eating in a hut outside your home.
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