Back in the spring, my parents embarked on outdoor beautification projects: they had the outside of the house and the deck repainted, and planted lots of new flowers.
The outside looked beautiful.
Meanwhile, they ignored the mold that was growing in the basement.
This is the culture in which we live.
Cosmetic surgery. Botox. Retouched photos.
You have a beautiful website and word-perfect copy.
Prioritizing the outer appearance over the inner workings.
Surface over substance.
How things appear to others rather than what’s happening inside.
Meanwhile, beneath the flawless facade of your Instagram feed, you’re growing mold.
The mold clean up team came this week to start the remediation, and the timing of this mold remediation couldn’t be more synchronistic.
We are in Scorpio season, a time for unearthing what is under the surface.
Water represents our emotions. In Scorpio, we especially confront the emotions that we tend to push away.
Emotions like Resentment. Anger. Grief. Shame.
The things we don’t want to look at or talk about.
Small resentments are like small cracks in our foundation. When ignored they become bigger, and eventually they mushroom into toxic anger that can explode at the most inopportune time. Unaddressed sadness can grow into grief. Disappointments can spiral into shame.
Just because you avoid the basement doesn’t mean the mold isn’t growing there. Scorpio season is about going to the metaphorical basement and clearing out the mold before it becomes toxic.
Today’s new moon in Scorpio is sitting opposite Uranus, the planet of change. Uranus all about breaking down the existing structures. Because it’s happening in Scorpio, it’s exposing what we normally keep secret.
As I’m writing this, the moon is renewing itself opposite Uranus and the mold clean up crew is in the basement breaking down walls to expose the mold. And this is the part where I completely geek out about how perfectly life is mirroring the planets right now and the divine wisdom of astrology.
Ok. Back to this new moon.
According to astrologer Chani Nicholas, this new moon is an invitation to get honest about what we most desire and what we’re most hungry for.
Sometimes the little twinges of resentment, envy, anger, and disappointment can help us see what we perceive to be lacking in our own lives. Rather than deny those feelings or push them away, this is the time to go into them and explore them.
You’ve got to feel it to heal it.
It can be uncomfortable to state our desires. Maybe we feel undeserving, or shame about what we desire. Maybe we can’t even see what it is, because its so deeply buried. (That’s where a great coach can help.)
When we get radically honest with ourselves about what we feel and what we desire, we can heal those wounds and break through the stagnation.
May this new moon in Scorpio support you in claiming your deepest desires.
May you honor yourself with radical honesty and permission to feel whatever arises.
May you find replenishment of your resilience and resources to bring your desires into being.
Scorpio new moon
scour your heart’s deepest desires
break through stagnation
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