Sometimes my mind gets way ahead of me. It races like an Olympic track athlete.
Ideas and to-dos fill my head. Before I know it, I’m in a spiral of overwhelm and paralysis.
In those moments, I’ve tried journaling or writing out a to-do list. But these practices don’t always help, especially when I’m in a state of complete overwhelm.
In that state, making a to-do lists is like running into quicksand; it only make things worse. Every item I write down leads to more to-dos.
What helps me in this situation is to slow things down.
Stop what you’re doing. Get out of your chair. Step away from the computer or whatever you’re doing.
Sometimes it helps to lay down on the floor. Other times, it helps to put on my sneakers and go for a walk.
Get out into nature.
You might listen to a guided meditation, or simply focus on counting your breath.
This kind of break can feel like an indulgence, especially in a moment when your mind is racing. You already feel like you’ll never have enough time. Who can afford a break?
In fact, it produces the opposite result: it creates space and gives you time.
It’s like a reboot on your computer or your phone. When you power back up, the mind is cleared of all the processes that were slowing it down.

when your mind races
slow down your frenetic pace
create space in time
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