I like to experiment and initiate change, yet I struggle to let go.
I am an extravert who is fueled by the energy of others, yet sometimes I want to be alone.
I always have something to say, yet I also want to sit in silence.
I need to move constantly, yet I can also be lazy and sit in one spot for hours.
I love to travel to exotic destinations, yet I also hate to pack and I can be a homebody.
At once I am both grounded and flighty; often walking with my head in the clouds and enthralled by big dreams, yet also intensely practical and pragmatic.
I am relentlessly curious about esoteric wisdom and theories yet at the end of the day I need to make it practical and tangible.
Parts of me are generous and loving; parts of me are petulant and petty.
These are all examples of the duality of me; the parts of myself that seem to be in conflict with each other.
Welcome to the full moon in Gemini, which puts the spotlight on our our duality.
Full moons reflect — the sun and moon are in opposing signs. None reflect more than Gemini, the sign of twins, which exposes the duality of our nature.
Each of us has paradoxes within us: attributes and behaviors that seem to be at odds, as if we were comprised of different personalities.
Which, of course, we are.
Often we keep parts of ourselves hidden away, buried in the shadow. At this full moon we are invited to embrace our shadow selves, to take our hidden parts out of hiding and bring them into the light.
The parts of ourselves that we push into the shadow tend to control us in one way or another. For example, avoidance of our lazy parts may cause us to overwork until we are burned out and can do nothing but sleep.
We often reject others who display the attributes we have rejected in ourselves.
The more we can accept all of our parts the more accepting we will be of others.
This final full moon of 2021 invites us to look at ourselves in the mirror, illuminate our shadow, embrace our duality, and thus realize our wholeness.
Gemini full moon
embrace your duality
accept all your parts
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