The clouds were covering the sun when I walked to the beach. They added beauty to the sunrise.
There was a chill in the air and white mist coming off the ocean.
It was early, and high tide was still a couple of hours away.
Exploring on the rocks, I noticed how different it was here from the last time I came down this way, when it was lower tide and I was able to walk further out on the rocks into the ocean.
I stood in a spot to stretch and take pictures; I marveled at the beauty of this nature.
I felt moved with gratitude for the moment.
In Jewish tradition there is a blessing said on new experiences:
Blessed are you, Lord our God who has sustained me and given me life to be in this time.
My grandpa used to say the blessing every morning, because every day is a new gift.
In that moment, this blessing came to me.
In this place, I thought how every day I should be saying this blessing because every day I experience something brand new.
And really, isn’t that the same even when I’m not in this place?
Every day holds promise for a new adventure, a new challenge, a new perspective.
It’s never the “same old same old” — unless you make it that way.
The rhythms of nature repeat daily, but nothing is ever the same twice.
The sunrise and the sunset every day, but it is always a new image, a new beauty.
Standing in the same spot, I took a panoramic picture from four different perspectives. I squatted low (bonus conditioning!), then a little higher. I stood up and held the camera at chest level, then at eye level.
Each perspective changed the the landscape, revealing something new .
Each moment a chance for a new beginning.
What would it be like to live each day like this:
Feeling blessed by the miracles that surround you and by the opportunity to be alive for this very moment.
I don’t think you need to be at the beach or on the ocean to appreciate the miracles of nature and the miracles of this world.
They exist all around us from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to bed.
Our very existence is a miracle of nature.
It is the miracle of life.
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