All decisions are value clarifications.
When you have a clear vision for yourself and your life, know what you want, what is important to you, and have clear standards, then it is easy to choose options that are in alignment for you.
The challenge in the process is not in making decisions; it’s in creating the foundation that makes decisions easy.
Most people never take the time to get clear on their vision, outcomes, and values. They don’t think about their standards.
At best, they spend a few minutes every December or January considering their “goals.”
Most of these goals, and most decisions people make, are influenced by the outside voices that enter into our stream every day: through people telling you what’s best for you, social media feeds, advertisements and voices telling you what you “should” be doing, and even your own internal expectations, which may be based on outdated structures or old identities.
It’s easy to get caught up in this external noise. Before you know it, you’re living a life by default, where you’re carried along on a wave of what other people say you should want.
If you don’t take the time to get clear on what you want, what you value, and how you want to engage in the world, decisions become difficult.
This is the challenge for most people: taking the time to get clear.
The decision process begins before you identify the options. The first step is to know your outcome and your values.
If you want to make decisions with more ease, you must create space and silence to listen to your voice and get clear.
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