My head is spinning with an influx of ideas. I am flooded with insights and inspiration. I feel a new measure of clarity and purpose. The Resistance is crumbling. I am in love with the world. I am ready to unleash my gifts. Everything is locking into place. The world is one big sphere of love. Everyone is beautiful. Euphoria embraces me. I am unstoppable.
I assure you, I am not on any substances.
Not even a glass of wine.
This is pure PEH.
Post-Event High.
I just completed Lisa Sasevich’s live Speak to Sell Bootcamp. I am sitting in my hotel room in Tampa, Florida after three days of honing my craft and refining my work so that I can deliver more value to the people I serve.
I am taking a moment to absorb the energy of all that transpired over the past few days:
New connections. Enhanced clarity. Creative inspiration.
I am breathing the air of the purest oxygen available to us as human beings:
Passion. Purpose. Possibility.
This is the magic power of live courses.
This Isn’t Convenient
I attend a fair number of events each year, and people often react wistfully when they hear where I’m going next. They tell me that they are “too busy” to attend live events. You know, as if I’m just sitting around with so much extra time to spare and a private jet waiting on the runway.
It is not convenient to clear time in your schedule, leave your business and family and travel to another city. It’s a lot easier to sit in front of your computer, watch some videos and read some information that someone put together as a “course.”
Have you ever noticed that the things that are truly worth doing, the things that add the most value to your life, are rarely convenient or easy?
Funny how that works, right?
Lisa offers her Speak to Sell Program as a “virtual bootcamp,” and I’ve participated in and completed it. Twice.
In the three-day Speak to Sell live event Lisa teaches substantially the same content as in the virtual bootcamp. I certainly could have locked myself away for three days, revisited all of the videos and audios, and plugged in to the program at home. I could have popped into online forum and the private Facebook group.
No packing. No airports. No travel.
No euphoric rush. No post-event high. No quantum leaps.
Learning from the comfort of home may seem more efficient than traveling.
It’s not nearly as effective.
Not even close.
Successful People Show Up
I spend a lot of time around high achievers, and here’s what I’ve noticed about the people who I consider to be most successful:
They show up live.
The people who are making quantum leaps in their business and getting the big results are not dialing it in from their home office.
They get away from their computers, away from their daily routine, away from their own speaking or coaching or client schedules. They invest their time and money to put themselves in an environment where they can focus on their own learning and growth.
They show up live because they know that if something is important, it demands an investment of the most valuable currency we have: our presence.
They show up live because they know that there is a magic that is unleashed when you show up in person that cannot be replicated in a virtual setting.
Time and again, my own experience has reinforced this lesson. When I step away from the demands of my life to attend an event, I get rewarded with big results.
This magic is real. It’s powerful. And it’s essential if you want to uplevel your business and your life.
What creates this magic?
I’ll share that in a future post.
(I’d hate for you to miss the important lessons I’ve learned on this topic. Make sure you subscribe to my list to be in the know!)
I’m so glad you went to Speak To Sell. Such a delight to meet you. You are totally right about PEH… I feel like I could walk on fire.
I am equally glad we met, Joe.
Walking on fire is its own class of high