More than clocks and calendars, the spin of the Earth tells us where we are in time and in the cycles of seasons and nature.
The Sun’s annual ingress into Aries (3/20/2025, 5:01 am ET) is a balancing point. It marks the Spring Equinox, a moment when the Earth pauses in its rotation and we experience equal amounts of light and darkness.
The Inception Point
This is the start of Aries season, the inception point of the zodiacal year, and the start of Spring.
We have come full circle and again reached the beginning.
Spring is a season of rebirth and renewal; Seeds start to sprout up through the soil. Buds start forming on trees. Nature comes out of its dormancy.
We mirror this action as we emerge from winter’s hibernation, shake off the stagnation of winter’s stillness, clear the cobwebs and the debris that settled, and venture out into the world.
This is a season for new visions and fresh starts, for social engagements and intrepid adventures, for experiments and optimism.
Aries Season 2025: Transition Time
Aries is an impulsive, impatient, and impetuous sign — a place where “Ready. Fire. Aim.” might be the motto. It acts on instinct and impulse, rarely thinking things through.
This tendency to just get moving can be a good thing after the stillness of winter.
That said, this year the planetary alignments tell us that there is something we need to clear up before we can move forward.
We are in the heart of Eclipse Season.
This week we are in between last week’s total lunar eclipse in Virgo — the first of four in Virgo —and next week’s solar eclipse in Aries, the last of its series.
Eclipses are periods of instability: the main light source of the sky is darkened, leaving us in a moment of confusion.
The total lunar eclipse in Virgo started a new story, but we still have the final installment of the story told by the Aries eclipse series.
Mercury and Venus Retrograde in Aries
Mercury and Venus are both in the heart of their retrogrades in Aries, poised to go back to Pisces at the end of the month.
As much as Aries likes to look forward, retrogrades force us into a period of review.
Rather than charging forward on instinct or at the glimmer of an idea, Venus retrograde invites us to consider what we truly desire, what relationships are worth keeping, and how we are claiming our value.
Mercury retrograde illuminates systems and modes of communication that are no longer working.
At the end of the month, Neptune will move into Aries after 14 years in Pisces, marking the start of a new chapter in our collective journey.
A Reflective Restart
This Spring Equinox calls us to find the balance between reflection and restarting.
As much as we might feel the Aries impulse to hit the ground running, we would be wise to remember that even nature doesn’t bloom instantly. It follows a process of slow unfolding.
This Aries season invites us to embark on smaller experiments with less risk, and to take smaller slower steps as we cross the threshold of spring. Take notes on what you learn as you embark on your experiments, as you’ll be retracing your steps in the second half of Aries season.
Further Reading
Here are some guides for the Spring Equinox:
Spring Equinox Invites You to Restart
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