Astrology is the study of timing, cycles, and seasons.
Following the movement of the planets through the signs of the zodiac gives us a higher-level context to the seasons of nature. Understanding each planet’s specific cycles can help us orient to where we are in time, and see patterns that play out over years or decades.
Astrology is also the study of relationships and perspective.
Planets do not exist or move in isolation from each other. Knowing a planet’s location in the sky is a starting point; it’s also important to know what relationships it is in with the other planets as it moves around the sky.
The relationships that the planets make to each other are known as aspects, and they are defined by the angles that planets make to each other.
Like Runners on a Track
Think about the planets as runners on a track, with each in its own lane.
If we stood in the middle of the track, we would see that at times some planets might appear to be neck-and-neck with each other, while other times one planet would be on one side of the track and the other would be on the other side.
If two runners who are friends find themselves running side-by-side for a while, they might encourage each other. On the other hand, if those runners don’t get along, they might antagonize each other.
On the other hand, sometimes two people who don’t get along might be more supportive of each other when they form a different angle from their respective positions around the track.
Each planet is an archetypal energy that exists within us. By studying the relationships of the planets in the sky, we also deepen our understanding of how those energies are trying to express through us.
The 5 Major Aspects in Astrology
The particular angle that two planets form is essential for understanding how they relate to each other in any given moment. The story that two planets tell together can be vastly different depending on the angle.
Here is a primer on the five major angles in astrology.
This is where your high-school geometry will come in useful.
Conjunction = 0º angle
A conjunction occurs when two planets appear to be at the same part of the sky — it’s like the two runners side-by-side on the track.
This is the angle of the Sun and Moon at the new moon.
A conjunction represents a blend of the energies of the planets. When we consider the planets as archetypes, it’s like both archetypes wanting to be expressed at the same time. Just like the runners, if they get along, this can be supportive. If they conflict, it can feel like we are trying to go in two directions at once, which can drain energy.
Tip: Conjunctions occur when the planets are at the same degree in the same sign.
Sextile = 60º Angle
A sextile is a form of triangle that occurs when two planets are separated by 60º. This is a harmonious aspect, indicating positive energy flow and potential for easy cooperation.
Tip: A planet is in a sextile to another planet that is 2 signs away. Both planets will be in signs of the same polarity.
Square = 90º Angle
A square occurs when the two planets are at a 90º angle to each other. Squares are aspects of friction and tension that require effort to reach a resolution. Because they represent challenges and potential conflict, they are often feared, but they are designed to help us work through something to promote our growth.
A square is the dynamic that happens at a 4-way stop sign, when all cars arrive at the same time and nobody knows who truly has the right of way. It might take a moment to resolve itself, but eventually you’ll get moving.
A half moon is a square between the Sun and the Moon.
Tip: Signs of the same modality are square to each other.
Trine = 120º Angle
A trine occurs when two planets form a 120º triangle. The triangle is the most stable shape in nature. Befitting this nature, the trine is a naturally supportive aspect that brings out the best in both planets. In a trine, the archetypal energies work together in a constructive way that feels natural and easy.
Tip: Signs of the same element are trine to each other.
Opposition = 180º Angle
An opposition occurs when planets are exactly opposite each other. The opposition is the aspect the Sun and Moon make at a full moon.
Oppositions are aspects of tension that highlight opposing forces that need to be balanced. Underneath the apparent tension of an opposition is the truth that both sides want the same thing; they just have different views on the best way to obtain it.
Like two people sitting at a negotiating table, there is already some common ground, even if it’s not obvious.
Life is a Matter of Perspective
Planets do not stay in the same aspect with other planets forever. The planets are always moving, and therefore the aspects they make to other planets are always changing. The friction of the square eventually gives way to the harmonious flow of the trine.
In this way, astrology reminds us that the dynamic in life is always changing. Nothing is static. By changing our angle, we change our perspective, which can give us a new outlook on a situation.
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