In the archetypes of astrology, the planet Mars is The Warrior. It represents our drive, desires, motivation, will to act, and, yes, our fighting spirit. Mars is our persistence and tenacity. It also represents our anger, frustration, and impulsive nature.
Our Mars shows us what to work for, what’s to fight for, and where to take action.
The sign in which it is in prescribes the how: how to engage in the fight and how to take action. The placement of Mars in our natal chart — the sign it was in when we were born — shows us how we typically take action. And as Mars transits the zodiac, we get the opportunity to “try on” different ways of harnessing our martial energy.
Mars into Aquarius: Change How You’re Taking Action
This week (on Tuesday February 13 at 1:05 am ET — Mars’ day) Mars moves from Capricorn to Aquarius.
The move from Capricorn to Aquarius is big energetic shift, not the least of which because as Mars crosses the threshold to Aquarius, it will run into Pluto (Wednesday, February 13 at 1:06 am ET), which can be combative. More on that below.
Both Capricorn and Aquarius are ruled by Saturn, providing structure to the actions we take in these signs. Aside from that, they are quite different in their energies.
Capricorn is a backward looking sign, representing the earth element. It’s grounded in practicality. It can also be a solo artist. In Capricorn, Mars takes safe and plodding steps up the proverbial mountain.
Aquarius is forward looking and experimental. It’s the sign of the collective, but it’s also the sign of the renegade and revolutionary. As an air sign, it’s focused on the mind: interested in logic, systems, and figuring things out in a way that “makes sense.” This is the sign of the future: technology and artificial intelligence are classic topics of Aquarius.
Aquarius is both the sign of the collective and the non-conformist. In Aquarius, we seek liberation and independence for all, and also we want to honor own path.
Mars in Aquarius: Dare to Be Contrarian
Mars in Aquarius fights for freedom and independence on behalf of itself and the collective. But it does so in its own way, daring to be different, refusing to conform.
During this transit (through March 22, 2024) Mars encourages, or perhaps, more forcefully, prods us to take our work in a new direction, to embrace a different way of doing things, and to boldly share our contrarian opinions — even if we ruffle a few feathers in the process.
At the same time, we must be aware of potential power struggles and the impulse to go to extremes by pushing too forcefully.
This is because as Mars crosses the threshold into Aquarius it will link up with Pluto.
Mars/Pluto Conjunction: Beware of Power Struggles
Mars and Pluto form an exact conjunction on Wednesday, February 14 at 1:06 am ET. This is the first of what will be approximately 10 meetings of Mars and Pluto in Aquarius over the next 20 years, so it might offer a preview of what’s to come.
Pluto is the planet of transformation. It represents the underworld: the death that sparks a rebirth. Pluto is also the planet of power and the subconscious.
Mars/Pluto conjunctions can bring up hidden power dynamics, issues of control, acts of aggression, possessiveness, going to too far, and excessive use of force. This can also be a signature of war, in the literal or metaphorical sense.
As astrologer April Kent puts it, “When Mars comes together with Pluto, the irresistible force meets the immovable object. Radical impulses are inflamed, and the impulse is strong to impose opinions onto others.”
There’s a line between fighting for our beliefs or being non-conformist in our opinions or in how we work, and imposing our beliefs or way of working on others.
Mars/Pluto can be a challenging aspect, but that doesn’t mean it will be “bad.”
Anytime Pluto is involved, it invites us to go deep, and this aspect offers us an opportunity to investigate and unearth the hidden power dynamics and issues of control that are keeping us from following our own path, sharing our distinctive voice, and embracing the nonconformist within.
What’s Keeping You in Conformity?
As planets move through a sign, they pull focus to the area of our lives that corresponds to that sign.
With the Sun, Pluto, Mercury, Mars, and soon Venus moving in and through Aquarius, the part of your life that falls in this area of your chart is getting significant attention.
Think of this an opportunity to review how you are relating to this part of your life.
With Mars here, we are invited to consider how to engage with this part of our lives differently.
- How might you take action in a new way?
- How can you take your work in a different direction?
- How might you embrace your inner revolutionary and your contrarian perspective for the good of the collective?
Think about the Mars/Pluto conjunction is an opportunity to dig deeper and unearth what holds us back from sharing our contrarian opinions and doing things differently.
Here’s a clue: For the majority of people, what holds us back is a fear of ruffling feathers, being rejected, and disturbing the peace.
We may be afraid of losing our sense of belonging, of being exiled from the group if we dared to share an outlier opinion or approach.
It’s natural to want to “keep the peace.”
But is it really peace if you’re holding back from being your true self?
What gets depressed and repressed often ends up a roughing at inopportune times, creating a bigger conflagration.
The Invitation to Embrace Your Contrarian
Once Mars passes its conjunction to Pluto, its transit through Aquarius is an invitation to embrace your contrarian approach and opinions and let your voice be heard.
You may ruffle a few feathers, you may annoy some people, and you may even turn some people off.
But in the clearing that remains after the “death” of belonging in one group, you might just find your real tribe.
And that can bring true inner piece.
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