In a world where we can have almost anything available to us on demand, it’s easy to forget that the things that are most important to us in life require us to play the long game of time.
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The things and experiences in life that are most worth having require cultivation in the soil of time:
Friendships. Patience. Perspective. Intimacy.
Learning to work with nature and her rhythms reminds us that there’s a metric for time that is not based on clocks and calendars, but on seasons and cycles.
Today is Imbolc, one of the pivot points in the wheel of the year.
Imbolc is one of the cross-quarter days. It marks the half-way point between Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.
According to the website of Mabon House, Imbolc means “belly,” signifying the womb of creation.
The holiday is also known as Brigid’s day, in honor of the pagan Celtic goddess Brigid, who is the goddess of inspiration, creativity, and healing.
In ancient times, it was a time to reaffirm life and start thinking about the coming harvest season. In our modern era, Imbolc is a good time to pause and consider the direction in which you want to go this year.
If you haven’t yet set your course for this year, Imbolc is a good reminder that you’re not too late. In the rhythm of the wheel of the year, Imbolc is a day of sacred pause.
It’s a good time to reflect on what you’ve learned so far this year, tie up loose ends from the previous year, and start thinking about what you want to plant when the ground thaws with the arrival of spring.
If you’ve already set your course, it’s a good time to check in to see if your goals are aligned with your values.
If you have been stuck in a rut and in a personal “winter” season, Imbolc reminds you that winter doesn’t last forever. We’re half-way through. And spring is just around the corner.
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